Celebrating Present Moms: The Unsung Heroes of Modern Parenting

Celebrating Present Moms: The Unsung Heroes of Modern Parenting

In a world that’s constantly buzzing with distractions and demands, we often find ourselves racing against time. Amidst this chaos, it’s crucial to take a moment to celebrate the unsung heroes of modern parenting – present moms. These remarkable women are redefining what it means to be a mother in the 21st century, and their dedication deserves recognition.

Empathy and Inclusion: Teaching Your Kids about People with Disabilities

Empathy and Inclusion: Teaching Your Kids about People with Disabilities

As parents, we have a crucial role in shaping our children’s perspectives and attitudes towards the diverse world around them. One essential aspect of nurturing empathetic and inclusive individuals is teaching them about people with disabilities. This hits close to home as one of my children has a…

Why I Blog

Many people may be wondering why I blog? Common questions they might be asking are: Doesn’t it take up a lot of time? Do you make money off blogging? What’s the point? How do you come up with topics? Do people read your blog? Do you enjoy it?…