10 Things a Husband should do for His Wife this Mother’s Day


To all of the husbands/fathers out there…

Being a mother is not an easy feat. Rather it tests us on many levels usually on very little sleep. Since becoming a mother we have adapted in a way that puts forth our children and spouse before ourselves, and we are completely content with that fact. This Mother’s Day try to think outside the box. Make your wife feel extra special at least for one day. If you’re still looking for ways to surprise that mother in your life, here are a few thoughtful things they’re sure to love. Men take note.

1) Get her flowers. Do not go to the store and buy her flowers unless you absolutely have to. Maybe send the kids out on a special mission to collect flowers from the neighborhood to put into a vase. Collecting bouquets are much more meaningful than store bought flowers. If there are no flowers to collect, then go to a florist and design a bouquet with your wife’s favorite flowers. Don’t buy a bouquet that is already put together. Get creative and put together the bouquet yourself.

2) Make her breakfast in bed. Whether you make her toast with jam or her favorite omelet, she will just appreciate the sweet gesture of breakfast in bed. If at all possible, get the children involved with this task and have them be involved in the delivery of the breakfast tray.

3) Give her a day off from house duties. For the entire day, if she allows it, take the lead on home chores. This may be cleaning up the kitchen after a meal has been prepared or watering the flowers outside. Whatever the chores may be, try to complete them without the help of your wife.

4) Buy her something she has been eyeing for months. This could be something such as a book, a movie or something special for the garden. Be thoughtful if you choose to buy your wife something for Mother’s Day. Think about something she has wanted but refused to buy for herself. The thought that you had paid attention to it when she noticed it originally will make her day and score you some serious brownie points.

5) Give her alone time. Maybe take the kids to the park or take them and the dogs for a walk. A few moments of peace and quiet can make up for some lost time and allow your wife to catch up on something they’ve been wanting or needing to do.

6) Treat her to a romantic dinner and a movie. Take her out to her favorite restaurant and wine and dine her. Follow this up with a trip to the movie theater. Make sure to let her pick out the movie EVEN if it’s a chick-flick. Remember, it’s her day. Yours is only a month away.

7) Draw her a bath and give her some wine. Once the kids are in bed, draw her a bath and pour her a glass of her favorite wine. You of all people understand that they may not take baths much because of the responsibilities of being a mom. Give her an hour to just relax. This gives you time to catch up on your Netflix or play a few games on the Xbox.

8) Give her a massage. It can be a quick 10 minute massage, but just knowing you’re the one who is giving it to her will mean everything. Don’t buy her one. The personal touch is more than enough.

9) Wake her up with a kiss. Give her a kiss on the cheek and make sure you make her feel special the moment she wakes up. Most women respond the most to touch.

10) Write her a letter or a list of reasons why she is a great mother. This will mean everything to her. Get the kids involved and have them throw out a few ideas. Once the list is complete, give them to your wife. Sometimes all of the reasons she is a great wife goes unsaid. Use Mother’s Day as a means to get out exactly why she is such a great mom.

If you don’t have the time to treat your wife to all of these things, make it a priority to do the best you can. Sometimes  getting a little extra love and appreciation one day can make any mom realize just how special they are to the kids and to you.

Make sure to make that special mom in your life know just how much they are appreciated this Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there.

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