
10 Things Productive Moms Do Every Morning

It’s no secret that your days momentum is decided very early on in the morning. If you’re looking to have the most productive day, there are 10 things we’re sharing with you that moms do every day in order to have a productive day.

Make Your Bed

It seems truly ridiculous that something so simple could have that big of an impact on your day, but if you think about it, you win early with something sooooo incredibly simple.


As a Christian, I feel better when I’m nurturing my mind, body and spirit daily. Doing these things helps you to focus on the things that matter most, on those that mean the most and on everything that should be focused on for that day. It also helps you tackle any challenges life might bring to you that day.  If you’re not a Christian-ZERO judgment here- spend a few minutes of reflection and quiet time in your morning.

Open the Blinds

Letting that morning light in helps you wake up, feel more alert and energized. There something so incredibly wonderful about natural light, and by opening the blinds within your home, it’s one way for you to truly feel as though the day has begun.

Stretch and/or Exercise

I’m not always able to work out first thing in the morning, but I try to sneak in a few stretches in order to release endorphins. Endorphins have the ability to just make you feel so darn good.  So, get moving as much as you’re able in the morning.

Get Ready for the Day

Looking put together not only sends an important message to yourself but also communicates to others that you’re ready to take on the day. Chances are, if you stay in your pajamas, you’re more likely to have a lazy and unproductive day. If you get dressed and put in a little effort into your appearance, you can confidently handle anything the day throws at you instead of worrying about what people might think of your appearance.

Tidy Up

Tackle the small messes throughout the house as it provides a clean and fresh start to your day. It also provides you with another small win.

Eat Breakfast

Not only should you make it a priority to eat breakfast, but you should also ensure that it’s a healthy breakfast. Fuel your body with proper nutrition. Proper nutrition allows you to have have more energy and start your day on a positive note. If you fuel your body with junk, you’re likely to feel more lethargic and lack the motivation to be as productive as you had set out to be.

Read, Listen or Watch Something Motivation

By starting your day with something motivational, you feel more positive right from the get-go. Motivational quotes, scripture, songs, etc. helps you to feel more prepared to handle the blows you might encounter,  encourage you and push to be better as well as helping you to identify the good in others. These things can all help shape your day into being something far better than you had anticipated.

Plan for the Day

I find it incredibly helpful to write out my to-do list first thing every morning. I also try to identify a few things that I’m grateful for that day. Doing these things help me to stay on track with the things I need to get done and also remind me to be grateful. Being grateful and reminding yourself of the things you’re more grateful for puts things into perspective.

Be Affectionate

Being affectionate to your spouse and children each morning shows them that you care a lot about them, are thinking of them and love them. Whether you display these feelings by hugging, kissing or verbally saying something, you’re sure to feel better about the day which will inevitable lead you to be more productive.


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  1. It’s amazing how taking a few minutes to tidy up can clear you mind and help you focus (so you can be more productive)! Everything really does effect everything else 😉 Thanks for the tips!

  2. Great tips! Mornings are always a struggle for me. But I blame that on the baby 😉 I’m hoping to start doing better with my mornings soon, now that he’s older and I’m not constantly sleep deprived lol

  3. These are such great ideas – taking just a few minutes to tidy up and take a quiet moment make ALL the difference for the rest of your day! I especially love “open the blinds”…light is so energizing!

  4. Wonderful list. I do some of them but not all, I think my day would start much better if I did though! Starting your day the right way sets the tone for the rest of it so this is definitely important!

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