10 Things to Tell Your Child About Bullying

There is nothing I want more than to protect my kids from the damaging and hurtful effects of bullying. I pray that my children will never be the bully, and I hope that they know how to react if they ever witness any type of bullying behavior.
Bullying is very real, and it’s very dangerous.
As parents, we need to empower our children with the knowledge of communication around bullying. Have conversations with your children year round to ensure they know what bullying is and  know how to react if they ever witness it.

  1. Bullying has no age. Individuals can encounter is at any age, so the earlier you teach a child how to act and react, the better.
  2. Don’t be friend with bullies.
  3. Report any bully behavior to an adult and walk away. Don’t stick around to watch the action unfold.
  4. Being a bystander or witness does not mean that you have zero responsibility in taking actions.
  5. Once a bully, always a bully. Make it a point to be friends with those who are victims of bullying-they’re the ones who could really use a friend.
  6. Remember that words really can’t hurt you.they are hurtful and mean but they are just words. Never lose sight of that.
  7. The old saying, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” certainly does not apply to bullies. Steer clear of them.
  8. If you personally experience bullying, report it, remove yourself from the situation and disengage with the bully.
  9. If you experience bulling online, report the post or comment to an adult and the social platform it was on and block the person from being able to contact you in the future.
  10. No one ever deserves to be bullied. Never.

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  1. True. We are not deserve to be bullied so its best to take action and remove ourselves from the situation.

  2. Having been bullied myself, this is an important conversation I love to have with every kid and teenager around me. No one deserves to be bullied and no one deserves the emotional consequences and trauma the victim experiences and so we must do right by our children.

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