10 Ways to be a Happier Mom

There are some days where I just feel like I got my butt kicked all dang day. I clean, then I re-clean. I answer the same questions 1000 times, and I rarely finish a cup of coffee without re-heating it 1-2 times. I clean up pee and vomit, and shovel loads of laundry in and out of the dryer. It’s no surprise that I’m dead tired by 6 or 7 o’clock. Seriously. I’m so dang tired by the end of the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being a mother. I love my boys. I adore my spouse, but holy crap, I’m a tired momma.

Even through all of that, there are moments of absolute adorable moments made between myself and my boys that makes me forget all about the dirty dishes in the sink, the piles of unfolded laundry and crumbs covering the table.

But, what if I told you that there were some things you could do to be a happier mom, would you listen?

Here are 10 daily practices that help make you a happier mom.

  1. Wake up before you kids every day. Whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, it’s a game-changer. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, meditate, sneak in a workout or just enjoy the temporary silence. Whatever you do, you will learn to cherish that time.
  2. Exercise. Did you know that some of the many benefits of exercising includes an increase in mood, focus, energy and better sleep? Do it every day if you’re able.
  3. Put down your phone and be present. Set boundaries with your phone. Sometimes our children tend to act up when we’re not paying attention to them and are disengaged. Be present. Plus, there is so much negative in the world, and it’s being thrown in into our faces so easily because of our smart phones.
  4. Make your bed. Every day. By doing it every day you have a small sense of accomplishment which can help starts your day both productively and orderly. Lets be honest. Your made bed might be the only order and non-mess as the day progresses. Enjoy that.
  5. Be a Hugger. Hug your spouse and/or your kids for at least 20 seconds every day. Hugs can help you to relax after a stressful day. They can also build your relationship and boost your mood.
  6. Pick your battles. Choose to focus on the right things with your spouse and children. Whether it’s a sweatshirt that’s the wrong color or mismatched socks, pick what’s actually worth your time and energy. Let the rest go.
  7. Take time for you. Whether it includes glorious stroll through Target with your favorite coffee drink or a warm bath with the new thriller, schedule that time for you. We oftentimes put our children and spouse before ourselves, so it’s more than fair to just take time for you.
  8. Have a snuggle session. Snuggling with your kids, individually, each night for a few minutes before bedtime can really help to release the stress and tensions of the day. Snag a little personalized attention from each child. They’ll appreciate it too!
  9. Be Grateful. No matter how crummy your day was, taking time to dive deeper into the things you’re grateful for can create a sense of warmth and gratitude. You can keep a gratitude journal, mediate or pray over gratitude or share what you’re grateful for with your spouse.
  10. Focus on your Sleep. Make getting good quality sleep a priority. I used to sacrifice decent sleep for a clean kitchen or folded laundry, but I found that by doing that, I’d wake up more tired and exhausted. Sleep is directly related to our energy, health, mood and interactions with others. Plus, sleep deprivation is dangerous and can lead to death or injury.


As you can see, it takes only minutes to be happier mom. By implementing these small practices into your daily routine, you’re sore to be happier and more pleasant to be around.

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22 responses to “10 Ways to be a Happier Mom”

  1. Miss Zesty Avatar

    Hugs for writing what has always been on my mind

  2. Elizabeth O Avatar
    Elizabeth O

    Motherhood is a demanding job and having the right attitude helps. I love your list of how you made it work for you.