10 Ways to Get Better Sleep

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. Now, more than ever, people all around the country are struggling to get a good night’s sleep. When we think about what is happening in the world around us, there’s clearly a correlation between lack of good, quality sleep and the stresses and unknowns associated with what’s happening. We’re witnessing social injustices throughout the country unfold before our eyes. We’re living through a pandemic that has killed hundreds upon thousands of people without a vaccine being readily available as of yet. We’re coming up on another election that has turned into a nasty debate of who its he most qualified candidate to run our country. Then, if you’re a parent, you’re struggling with what to do come fall when kids are supposed to be returning to classes. With COVID still running rampant, there are arguments for distanced learning paired with in-class sessions while other school districts are pushing strictly for distanced or full in-class session. All of the unknowns associated with all that is happening around us is enough to cause restlessness and lack of sleep. If we’re being 100% honest, our world is kind of a mess currently.

All that said, here are 10 ways to get better sleep:

Get Daily Exercise

One way to ensure you get a better night’s sleep is by getting some exercise throughout the day. When your body is exhausted and tired, you’ll have a much easier time falling asleep and obtaining deeper sleep.

If you work a job that requires very little movement throughout the day, try fitting some movement in such as going to the gym on your lunch break, going for a walk outside or simply waking up earlier to go to the gym before work.

Avoid working out a few hours before bed because this may keep you up instead of making you more tired.

Take a Warm Bath or Shower

By taking a warm bath or shower before bed, it allows your body to feel more at ease, relaxed and comfortable. I like taking bubble baths with some lavender, which is very calming, and this ritual actually helps me fall asleep quicker.

Read a Book Before Bed

Sometimes I find that when I read books before bed, it tends to make me more tired and very sleepy. Use this to your advantage. Pro tip: Don’t read a slasher or murder mystery book. Those can keep you up for hours. 🙂

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Keep Your Bedroom Dark

Being in a room that is nearly pitch black helps promote deeper sleep. Even the slightest bit of light can disrupt a good night’s sleep. Try purchasing black out blinds and minimize any bit of unnatural light within your bedroom. You can also try wearing a sleep mask to cover your eyes in order to drown out the light.

Stop Using Electronics an Hour Before Bed

This is a huge reason why most of us aren’t obtaining decent sleep. We are so connected to our electronic devices, but we don’t even realize that they’re oftentimes the culprit behind our terrible sleep. By putting the electronics away, you’re allowing your mind and body to unwind and calm itself.

Skip the Alcohol

A sure way to obtain uninterrupted sleep is to avoid drinking before bed. Even though alcohol can contribute to sleepiness, the actual quality of sleep you’re likely to obtain would be lacking. You’re more likely to wake up throughout the night which in turn can lead to drowsiness the next day.

Watch Your Caffeine Intake

Avoid in-taking anything with caffeine hours before you lay down, because caffeine can actually contribute to poor sleep. If you like coffee or tea for the taste, try drinking decaf.  If you like tea, I suggest drinking teas that actually help promote sleep such as honey and vanilla or chamomile.

Meditate or Try Yoga

Meditate and refocus your thoughts before bedtime. At times, our minds are racing and it’s hard to shut those thoughts down. De-stress and release that energy by mediating or practicing yoga shortly before you lay down to go to bed.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Avoid Eating Right before Bed

By avoiding big meals before bed, you’re eliminating any issues that might arise due to uncomfortable stomach issues such as bloating. Avoid this by refraining from eating before you lay down to go to sleep. Let your stomach properly digest your food before you go to bed.

Try Essential Oils

We have an essential oil diffuser right on our bed frame. Every couple hours it diffuses some essential oils. We have lavender in there and that really helps to set the tone for drowsiness and it also fills our room with an amazing fragrance.

There are a ton of essential oils that have been known to promote better, uninterrupted sleep that you could incorporate into your nighttime routine. There is also a spray specifically designed to be sprayed on your pillow to also help promote sleep. Bath and Body Works has a lavender one that I spray on my pillow and bedding every couple of days, and it really helps to calm and relax me when I lay down for bed.


Sleep is crucial for helping us live more restful, energized and productive lives.  By incorporating some of these things into your night time and bedtime routine, you’re much more likely to obtain better sleep.

What other sleep tips do you have?

Photo credit:Photo by Vladislav Muslakovon Unsplash

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