10 Ways to Stimulate Self Growth

Photo by Tom Pottiger on Unsplash

You probably already know that you’re destined for big things, right? But maybe you’re unsure how to start? The journey to self growth is truly developing who you are and identifying your talents and your potential. Identify your dreams and aspirations and truly explore each one. 

By focusing on self-growth, it helps to develop you physically, mentally, intellectually and spiritually.  You’re journey can look however you want it to look. It doesn’t have to look like someone else’s journey.

Put yourself into situations that might make you a bit uncomfortable. These situations maybe help trigger an added sense of exploration, development and self-discovery.

Know Thyself

Knowing thyself doesn’t only mean understanding your likes and dislikes, it’s about truly knowing who you are as a person.

Say Goodbye to Those who Bring You Down

Life is too short to surround yourself with people who bring you down. It’s not something you should have to deal with.


Every day right down 2-3 things you are grateful for. Starting your day likes this helps put everything into perspective for you in a positive way.

Be Mindful of Who you Hang Out With

You’ve heard the saying, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you need to find new friends”. It’s true though. It you surround yourself with people who are too much alike you, the likelihood of you pushing yourself to be a better version of yourself will be harder to come by. Surround yourself with motivated go-getters that you aspire to be like.

Don’t Compare

Don’t get pulled into the nasty trap of comparison. You’re unique to yourself. You’re one of a kind, and you should want to be that way. Stop comparing your successes, failures, body, career, family and relationships to other people.


Reading allows you to learn from people of all different backgrounds from current day to years past. It’s the easiest way to help grow and learn new things.

Turn off the TV

Stop wasting so much time watching pointless reality TV shows. Use the time you’d normally spend on watching TV  to read or learn something new.

Be Social

Make it a point to meet new people. This will allow you to broaden your horizons and network with some pretty interesting individuals. You never know what opportunities could result from this.


Stop being emotionally attached to your “stuff”. There is something very empowering about purging your life of access crap.

Be a Catalyst for Positivity and Change

Do something that makes a difference. Make someones day for no reason other than to be kind. Be the positive change the world needs. Recycle. Volunteer. Be an advocate. Be kind. Be a catalyst.

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