
10 Things I Simply Cannot Live Without

Have you ever sat down and truly thought about the things you rely on or enjoy the most in your life? Maybe it’s an object or a person? Tangible or intangible? There are items and people I rely on daily, and without them I’m not sure how interesting life would be.

Here are my 10 things I cannot live without.


I’m putting these two together, but I can’t go somewhere without one or the other. If you think about it, it makes sense. I’m a blogger and social media marketer, so it’s kind of necessary to have the tools in my hands at all times. Plus, I need my phone because I feel naked without it. Sad, but true.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash


If I forget to wear my fitbit, it throws my entire day off. I use it to track my sleep, my steps and exercises along with water intake. It holds me accountable to my fitness goals. I also appreciate the call and text notifications that come through.


I literally need to have my contacts or glasses with me at all times. I’m so blind without them. Plus, I tend to stare at a computer screen all day, so having my glasses to change into if my eyes start getting tired is a must. I DID just invest in special glasses for looking at computer and phone screens. I suggest you snag yourself a pair.

Photo by OhTilly on Unsplash


I drink coffee all day. It’s my lifeline, my happy juice and motivation. For someone who is always on the go physically and mentally, I need coffee to help me focus and stay on top of the many projects I have going on.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash


I cannot imagine a life without exercise. I enjoy it and look forward to it nearly every day. It my mental stability, and it’s a huge stress reliever. I try to make it a point to workout 4-5 days a week.

Photo by Morgan Sarkissian on Unsplash

Healthy Food:

I literally crave fresh fruit and healthy food. The thought of going without my ability to eat healthy is terrifying. I start nearly every morning indulging in a smoothie.

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Comfortable Clothes:

I’d be a happy camper if I could spend all of my time in comfy clothes. Some of my favorite include sweatpants, sweatshirts and slippers. I’m usually cold, so I enjoy be warm and comfy.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Portable Charger:

I have an irrational fear that my phone will die, and that thought freaks me out which is why I always have a charger with me. Most times when I travel or I know I won’t have access to an outlet, I have a pre-charged charging box to use. The thoughts of my loved ones not being able to reach me because my phone is dead is something I never want to experience.

Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash


I LOVE to read. Whether it be a physical hard or soft copy book or that which I downloaded onto my tablet or phone, I tend to always have a book with me.

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash


Lordy lord, I cannot even imagine life without my boys. Sure, it’s hectic and messy, but they’re my kind of hectic and messy. I wouldn’t trade them for all the riches in the world.


What are some things you can’t live without?

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