12 Things that Happen to your Body when you Experience Heartbreak

Experiencing heartbreak is the absolute worst. In fact, I wouldn’t wish heartbreak on my worst enemy. Heartbreak can cause  trauma, exhaustion and depression that can be very difficult to recover from. There are plenty of things that can cause heartbreak: loss of a loved one, betrayals of trust, hurtful words, physical and emotional abuse and more. Because heartbreak can be caused by an array of things, it’s so important  to be conscientious and sensitive to people  who are dealing with and recovering from their own broken hearts.

In order to better understand those who are struggling through their own version of heartbreak, it’s important to discuss all of the things that happen to our bodies when a heart becomes broken.

Here are 12 things to consider when you find yourself surrounded by someone currently experiencing heart break.


You probably are already aware that you’re more likely to get upset at actions or comments that are said, so you’re more likely to lock yourself in your room away from people in order to not get hurt again. Heartbroken people would rather be alone, then risk getting hurt again.

Late Menstrual Period

During times of extreme sadness and stress,  woman are more likely to experience a delay in their menstrual periods.

Physical Pain

Heartbreak can cause physical pain in that it can cause headaches, weightloss, stomach issues and literal heartaches. These pains can manifest in a variety of forms and degrees when forced to endure such heartbreak.

Issues with Focusing

We’ve all done this. You’re driving home from work and you might have driven for 10, 15 or even 20 minutes with no recollection of getting in the vehicle or even the drive your driven thus far. Or, you might have walked into a room looking for something, but when you’re in that room, you don’t recall why you even went in there or what you were looking for to begin with. Mistakes start being made at home, work or just during your daily workday routines.

Stressed Increase

An increase in stress has been linked to causing complex bodily functions because it leaves your body more susceptible and vulnerable to pain because your body is run down.

Compromised Immune System

An individual is not only more susceptible to the emotional and physical torments due to heartbreak, they are also more likely to be more vulnerable to becoming sick. Personally, when I’m experiencing heartbreak or sadness, I typically will get sick. It comes in the form of a head cold, but this might vary for others.

Trouble Sleeping

Insomnia can be a result of heartbreak because you’re left thinking about the very think that has caused your heartbreak. There’s really nothing you can do to deal with insomnia besides taking sleep medication which can then result in additional drowsiness due to the side affects of the medications. Being left alone in your bed with your thoughts can be a toxic combo.

Appetite Changes

When one experiences extreme heartbreak, it can either cause extreme weight gain or loss. This depends on the person. Some individuals refuse to eat because they do not have an appetite because they’re probably too busy trying to put their broken heart back together. For some, they choose to eat their sorrows and drown it with bad eating and drinking habits.


This one comes as no surprise. Depression can be a direct result of experiencing heartbreak. It can lead to mental deterioration and it can leave people feeling unstable. We shouldn’t ignore how much depression can affect individuals. Do not take it lightly.

Sensitivity Increase

When you’re dealing with a broken heart, you’re more likely to be susceptible to anguish and pain. You’re likely to be more sensitive to hurtful comments and snide remarks and they hurt you more now than they did months, weeks or even days prior.  You need to avoid negative people in order to protect yourself during this vulnerable state. Surround yourself in positivity.

Hair Loss

When individuals go through extreme heartbreak, they might also find themselves losing hair. When I went through a breakup while in college, I was heartbroken even though I knew it was the best decision for us both, but I did lose hair as a result of it.

Diminished Self-Esteem

Others might find themselves experiencing self-doubt and diminished self-esteem. They might start questioning their worth, and your confidence starts decreasing as well. If this happens, I highly suggest going to speak with a counselor. They can help navigate this with you.


When experiencing heartbreak, I think it’s important that we show ourselves some grace. Our body is going through a lot, and sometimes we forget that. Heartbreak is hard. It’s exhausting. It can make you physically sick. The most important thing you can be doing for yourself is recognizing that you need some time to heal, and you need to show yourself some gosh darn grace.

What symptoms have you experienced when going through heartbreak? Let me know in the comments below!

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