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3 BIG Reasons Why Your April Fools’ Fake Pregnancy Announcement Isn’t Funny

Traditionally, April Fool’s is dedicated to pulling off silly, oftentimes seemingly harmless pranks. Sometimes, however, thoughtlessness leads to real-world pain for some dealing with a very real type of heartache. How would you feel if your “seemingly” harmless prank deeply impacted those around you thought maybe unintentionally.

Here are three reasons why your fake pregnancy announcement this April Fools is not, nor will ever be, funny. 

1) You have No Idea what Someone is Living Without

People that pull this prank typically don’t take into consideration the loss, heartbreak and emptiness that is experienced when a child is lost.

I’ve personally been there. After struggling to get pregnant for years, only to suffer a miscarriage, the worst thing in the world was to see people posting fake pregnancy announcements.  I experienced grief all over again. I was angry, hurt and felt incredibly disrespected. Although it was not directed to me, it still burned fresh in my heart. The emptiness I had felt came rushing back, suddenly very heavy and present. It is in this moment, that someone else’s grief has suddenly become someone else’s entertainment. Grief, heartache and loss aren’t a joke nor are they meant to entertain someone in a form of a consistently ill-timed joke.

2) You Never Know how Badly Someone wants what You so Thoughtlessly is Joking About

If you’ve experienced infertility or loss, you can relate that the otherwise carefree task of conceiving becomes a chore. It becomes routine, non-spontaneous and honestly feels more like a chore lacking any sort of passion. Yet, you see  another pregnancy announcement showing a picture of two lines or a simple + and you feel sad and resentful only to find out later that it was a joke.  Those silly little lines have been eluding you for months, maybe even years, yet it’s so easy to buy fake tests online and fool those around you. Again, carelessly planned prank.

3) You Have No Idea what Others are Living through Right Now

One has finally conceive after months or even years of trying. Maybe it required money and lots of fertility treatment, yet in this moment they’re elated thinking how worth it it was as they find themself cupping their belly gently hyper aware of the miracle inside. Maybe this individual starting to envision what their child will look like and what kind of things they’ll enjoy doing as they get older. Then, out of nowhere, they notice lack of moment. Or maybe this individual starts bleeding, excessively. In an instance, this dream, the moments of hope that this person once had are suddenly shattered due to child loss. Nothing is ever the same after you lose a child. It takes those involved time to recover, both mentally/emotionally and physically yet they eventually brave the world yet again, only to see another bullshit pregnancy announcement that was meant to be funny yet again, failed to consider the situations, experiences and struggles of others.


This April Fools’ day, don’t be that person, and don’t let others be that person either. Joking about pregnancy isn’t funny. It causes pain to those suffering along their journey to become parents, and frankly they deserve more than to be the butt of your careless jokes.

5 Years of Fertility Treatment. This isn’t even the half of the meds I had to take during that time frame.
Our fertility doctor with our oldest son.
Jason and I took a trip up North shortly after suffering a miscarriage. I was devastated.
My miracle babies.

If you are suffering through miscarriage, child-loss or working through fertility treatment, check out my book. It’s mean to encourage you along your journey.

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