30 Ways to Reset Your Marriage

Marriage can be hard. There are certainly good days, but there are also bad days. Sometimes, there are even bad weeks or months. Sometimes we even let everyday stresses and anxieties creep into our marriages, though not intentional.

Sometimes we selfishly worry more about ourselves than our spouse. Sometimes we say things we don’t mean because we lack the discipline and poise to word it differently or in a way that doesn’t come out wrong.  We’ve all been there. We get into weird funks, and we just have a hard time getting out of them.

Here’s the good news. Resetting your marriage might be the best solution! Here are a few ways to reset your marriage and get it back on track.


  1. Share your favorite memory together
  2. Spend a day binge-watching your favorite movies or tv shows
  3. Play hookie
  4. Tell each other 5 things you love about the other person
  5. Share your goals with the other person
  6. Give each other full body massages
  7. No phones for 1 hour. Have a conversation.
  8. Eat a meal together without distractions
  9. Hold hands
  10. Re-read your vows
  11. Pray together
  12. Go for a long walk together
  13. Write a love letter to each other
  14. Recreate your first date
  15. Tell your spouse a reason or reasons why you love them
  16. Share your favorite wedding/honeymoon memory
  17. Tackle a fear together
  18. Buy an expensive piece of art
  19. Do something spontaneous-something you both have been wanting to do
  20. Take some goofy selfies together
  21. Play video games together
  22. Get into a nerf gun fight
  23. Have  water balloon fight
  24. Cook a romantic dinner together
  25. Go on a wine tour
  26. Dance to your wedding song
  27. Tackle one of your spouses chores
  28. Plan a surprise date
  29. Lay in bed all day
  30. Enjoy a kid-free overnight getaway

Relationships are hard, but it’s important to hit reset every once in a while, because you and your spouse deserve it!


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