32 Life Lessons I’ve Learned Before Turning 32

In my [almost] 32 years of life, I’ve experienced more things than most individuals my age. I’m pretty fearless. I’ve been dealt a hand of cards that I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to have to deal with, but I’ve pushed through it all. My life is pretty amazing despite the hardships I’ve experienced.  I’m stronger because of what I went through, and I’m proud of the person I am today. I understand that the experiences I have went through have helped mold me into the individual, the mother, the wife, the sister, the  aunt, the daughter, the granddaughter and friend I am today.


Today, I’ll be sharing 32 life lessons that I’ve learned so far, and I’m humble enough to understand that I’ll experience many more in my lifetime.


  1. Listen to your heart and your intuition. Don’t let others convince you to do something. Make the decision by yourself.
  2. Pray often. Embrace your faith, and don’t be scared to have conversations around your faith and your relationship with your Creator.
  3. Life is so much better with you in it, so don’t spent time on the sidelines.
  4. There is no better time to live the best life possible.
  5. Laugh often.
  6. Ask for a raise when you feel that you have earned it.
  7. Follow your desires seriously.
  8. Worry less.
  9. Visualize! Picture your ideal life daily and work towards it. Create a vision board and place it somewhere where you can see it every single day.
  10. Don’t feel the need to work in the corporate world. Despite what they tell you, your job might not be secure. Do work that you truly love and are passionate about.
  11. Declutter daily. Paperwork, friends, email inboxes, supportive friends, closets, cabinets, etc. Simplicity is bliss.
  12. Always be doing, creating and building where it counts. Those things are where you gain true knowledge.
  13. Take risks. You’ll never make it out of life alive anyway.
  14. Read. Mistakes that can be made and lessons that can be learned have already been experienced by someone else which is why you should navigate towards biographies.
  15. It’s not about where you started, but more about where you’re going. You can always change your situation if you’re brave enough to do so. Your current situation is very temporary.
  16. Don’t spend your time and energy pleasing others.
  17. Vacation is essential. Make time for them.
  18. Interact and engage with new people. Opportunity comes from those you meet.
  19. Love yourself, especially when you don’t feel that you deserve it.
  20. Meditate. Take time to find some calm before and during the storm.
  21. Forgive others, no matter what they did to you. This creates inner-peace for you. Realize you do not have to be friends with those that hurt you.
  22. Your past does not define you.
  23. Time cures heartbreak.
  24. Be OK with the fact that not everyone will like you.
  25. Don’t feel guilty about saying no.
  26. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! There are so many people out there willing to help you, and all you have to do is ask.
  27. It’s OK to be scared. Life can and will be scary at times.
  28. Find time to help others.
  29. Love it so much stronger than death. When we lose a loved one, all that is lost is their physical form.
  30. You will have bad days. Don’t spend too much time thinking about those bad days.
  31. Failure is part of success. Don’t get discouraged. We all fail at some point.
  32. Money doesn’t buy happiness.

Remember that tomorrow is not promised, so live the life you want, daily.  I’ve experienced a lot in 32 years, and some of my best moments have come from struggles, failures and heartache, but those experiences and those moments, have made me who I am today. I’m pretty damn proud of who I am today.


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