37 Ways to Beat the Bloat

You have nothing to be ashamed of if you’re struggling with gassy because most people struggle with it nearly on a daily basis.

Water retention, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and constipation are among the usual suspects that causing bloating besides certain foods and drinks.

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For days when you struggle with those skinny jeans, here are 37 ways to beat the bloat.

  1. Eat Asparagus- This veggie contains inulin, a dietary fiber and prebiotic that help keeps your gut in check while giving your overall digestive health a boost.
  2. Take Probiotics- Load up on these bad boys because they help to keep your gut happy and helps regulate your digestive system.
  3. Enjoy some Ginger- Ginger helps treat digestion as well as bloating and an upset stomach.
  4. Drink (High Quality H2O) Water- Sipping water throughout the days helps prevent constipation by keeping things moving.
  5. Watch your Sodium Intake- Salt is one of the most common causes of bloat. When you digest too much it can cause increases in blood volume, makes your heart work harder and increases your blood volume making you just feel uncomfortable.
  6. Eat Fruits with Skin intact- Fresh berries and whole fruits like apples and pears help beat bloat. The largest amount of fiber in on the fruit’s skin.
  7. Potassium- Get your air share of bananas, veggies, spinach and tomatoes for they are loaded with potassium which is great for flattening your stomach.
  8. Limit artificial sweeteners- Many people actually have a difficult time digesting artificial sweetener which might lead to excess gas or even diarrhea.
  9. Quinoa- Add it to your diet which is rich in potassium and magnesium which are both shown to help reduce bloating.
  10. Get Active- Sneaking in 15-20 minutes of workout each day will help fight constipation and keep things moving through your digestive tract.
  11. Watch the Sodium- Too much sodium leads to excess bloat.
  12. Eat More Salmon- Salmon is loaded with healthy goodies including omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation in your stomach.
  13. Almonds- Eat almonds. They’re great for energizing you throughout the day without all of the added sodium. But, make sure you grab the unsalted almonds.
  14. Eat Dinner Earlier- By eating dinner earlier, your body has more time to digest the food and deflate before going to bed.
  15. Beware of Sneaky Salt- Check food labels. Check for sodium because there are some foods that you might not think has sodium, but you’d be surprised. Bread has one of the highest levels of sodium.
  16. Avoid Sugar Free Candies- The sugar substitutes in these candies can cause bloating and GI distress.
  17. An Apple a Day- Keeps your tummy in check because of the added fiber.
  18. Avoid Fancy Drinks- To avoid excess bloat, avoid the sugary drinks like margaritas.
  19. Eliminate Excess Fiber- Foods such as oatmeal and beans because it draws in water causing bloat.
  20. Brown Rice Vs. White Rice- Because it’s a complex carb, brown rice takes longer to digest meaning it’ll keep you feeling full longer.
  21. Include Olive Oil- Oleic acids, within olive oil, helps break down belly fat.
  22. Eat More Oatmeal- Rich in fiber and easy to make, oatmeal is the perfect breakfast to help beat the bloat. Just make sure you don’t add unnecessary sugars.
  23. Leafy Lettuce- Green leafy lettuce has nutrients to help reduce the bloat.
  24. Eliminate Late Night Carbs- Eating carbs late at night will definitely lead to morning bloat.
  25. Lemon Water- Start each day with lemon water because it aids in digestion and reduces water retention.
  26. Limit Alcohol- Alcohol can lead to dehydration which then causes your body to retain any water it can leading to excess bloat.
  27. Dairy- Downsize your dairy intake. Doing so will eliminate bloat. We all love cheese and milk, but enjoy it in moderation.
  28. Smaller Portion- Intentionally leave ¼ of your plate empty. This helps you not overeat.
  29. Cucumbers- Eating cucumbers can help flush out excess water weight giving you a flatter stomach.
  30. Yogurt- The good bacteria in yogurt helps to promote good gut health and keeps your digestive tract healthy.
  31. Beware Gassy Vegetables- Cabbage, Brussel sprouts and beans are culprits for causing excess gas and bloating. Limit your intake on these veggies.
  32. Opt for Grainy Bread- Grainy bread is packed with fiber without all the added sugar associated with white bread.
  33. Remove Food from Can- Food that comes in cans are known for typically having a higher sodium contact to help preserve it. Thoroughly wash the contents under cold water for at least 30 seconds.
  34. Avoid Fried Food- Fried foods are fatty and much harder to digest and leads to excess bloat.
  35. Yoga- Practicing yoga can help minimize bloating through common yoga stretches and poses.
  36. Stress- Minimize and eliminate stress. Added stress can cause anxiety which leads to bloating.
  37. Avoid Starchy Foods- Eliminate starchy foods before bedtime because they can lead to excess water retention leading you to feel bloated in the morning.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

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