
5 Relationships You Need to Quit

Oftentimes we have these limiting beliefs that our fate has already been decided or that we’re only going to amount to something small. We limit ourselves and our dreams because we don’t know anything differently. If you came from a family where there’s the expectations that you clock in and out every day and you do that until you retire and you just don’t chase for an extraordinary you, then yes, there is a hurdle that has to be climbed. In order to do this, there are certain relationships you must quit in order to reach for the absolute best version of yourself. These aren’t necessarily physical relationships, but relationships with things as well.


I recently listened to a podcast discussing each of these relationships, and I wanted to share my take on them.

Here are 5 relationships you must quit in order to be the absolute best version of yourself. 

Rethink your Relationship with Media

Think about it. You are what you concern yourself with. If you’re watching something positive or negative, you’re going to react according to how you’re feeling. You are a direct reflection of the media you consume, which is something many people do not even consider as being something of a concern. We get so caught up on what we see in media. How many times have you compared yourself to the  “it” couple? How many times have you measured your success to that of someone else because it appears that they’re living a best life? Stop comparing yourself to others that you are following on social media. Anyone can paint the perfect picture.  Also, keep in mind that when you sit down and consume media, you’re actively deciding to chose TV or another form of media over your spouse and/or your children. Choose to be present. Choose what you’re consuming.

Rethink your Relationship with Food and Exercise

Have you ever thought long and hard about certain things you need to do in order to get into shape? You know that you need to quit gluten because you have an intolerance, yet you still consume it. You know that you need to hit the gym, but you can’t hit the commitment you made to yourself because you’re too busy making excuses for why you can get there.  Try making commitments with your significant other. It’s way easier to eat healthy if your spouse does it with you. It’s also easier to hit the gym if your spouse helps you whether that be that they watch the kids for an hour or so in order for you to get to the gym or you two hit the gym together.

Rethink the Relationships you have with Other People

This might be a tough pill for some to swallow, but it’s a big one to consider. If you want to be the absolute best version of yourself, you must surround yourself with those that also want to be a better version of themselves. If you associate and surround yourself with individuals who want nothing but mediocrity, you need to reconsider that relationship. It’s no secret that when people start to thrive, those closest to them can become resentful and start to feel intimidated by their success which can be linked to an insecurity as it pertains to the level or success they are yet to have achieved. Individuals who feel this way towards those wanting to push themselves to be the best, aren’t easily persuaded to support those individuals. Don’t let those intimidated and salty individuals hold you back from being exceptional. Rather, surround yourself with those individuals you want to emulate and push yourself to be great.

Rethink your Relationship with the Individual you Were and Are Becoming

You must rethink what your past has done for you and also understand that the hardships and trying times only prepared you for what was to come in the future. You mustn’t live in the past and let it define who you are and what you are to become. If you come from a family that has predominately worked in a blue collar career, you do not have to assume that you’re supposed to be in a blue collar career.  If you come from a family of attorneys or doctors, there shouldn’t a forced expectation that you need to follow in their footsteps. You can want something different for yourself. Now if that’s what you want to do, then do it, but don’t assume you’re not entitled to something else. It’s important to always remember where you came from but you must also identify exactly where you want to be going.

Rethink your Relationship with Mindset

You must chose to change your mindset. You must make the decision to stop shutting yourself out from what you truly want. Stop allowing limiting beliefs to dictate where you want to go. Don’t accept them. Don’t let them try to convince you that you aren’t enough. Don’t let them try to convince you that you can’t do it. Your fate is not already decided. Change your mindset. You are in charge.

Continue to fight for the relationships you ultimately deserve and challenge yourself daily to be the absolute best version of yourself.


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