6 Reasons I Suck at Being a Mom Sometimes

I am admittedly a bad mom sometimes. I’ve had my fair share of mom fails in the four years I’ve been a mother, from dragging my screaming four year old through the store kicking and screaming because I didn’t buy him the “well deserved” toy to yelling at him to get into his Pj’s at bedtime because he’s moving in slow motion. These challenges never step, yet evolve and teach us things along the way.

Here are some recent reasons why I sometimes suck at being a Mom of a four year old and (almost) one year old:

I Look Forward to My Kid’s Bedtime:

I know that makes me sound absolutely awful, but my goodness, by the evening time I’m close to yanking my hair out. I’m not even a stay-at-home mom. I can’t help but be completely exhausted from a long day in the office which started early and with little sleep. Once I’m out of work, I then come home, make dinner, bathe the kids, play and/or read to them before bedtime. By the time they’re both in bed asleep, it’s nearly 9pm. Mom needs a break.

I feel Inconvenienced when One or Both of my Kids are Sick

My boys get sick because…daycare! Daycares are a cesspool of germs, and it’s only natural that kid will get sick from time to time, right? Right! I find myself asking myself, when one or both of them is sick, which one of us has to stay home with them since they’re unable to be at school. Who’s calling into work?  I do feel guilty about feeling inconvenienced, but sometimes it’s hard missing work when your kid is sick because when you’re sick, you then feel bad about taking a day off. Am I right?

I Sometimes speed through Story Time

It gets a bit daunting reading the same book over and over again. Most nights I read slowly offering my kiddos an intriguing tale along with silly character voices, but there are some nights when I hurry through it. We’ve all been there, right? Your kid spends 5 minutes on page 6 because the characters hat doesn’t match his shoes or they want to go back to look at something 3 pages previous. Tell me I’m not alone! I admit that sometimes I skip sentences (my boys can’t read yet) and brush aside the questions I receive for my own selfish reasons.

I sit my kids in front of a TV so I can get Caught Up on Things

There are times when I just need to clean something within the house, and I simply turn on the TV to help “babysit” my kids. If I didn’t have this nearly free resource, my house would be even more dirty than it already is, and I’d match that look because I’d be going crazy and thus looking awful.

My kids sometimes eat like Garbage

I cannot be a chef every single night. When I’m exhausted and/or in a time crunch, I’ve learned that feeling guilty about microwaving chicken nuggets or mac and cheese is pointless. I’ll snag the occasional kids meal because darn it, life is too short to eat healthy all of the time. After working a long day, the last thing I want to be doing it making a gourmet meal, plus sometimes my kid wants to argue with me about his meal, so I give in because the sooner he eats, the sooner I can jump into bed. 🙂

I drop my kids off at Daycare Early

My boy’s daycare opens at 6:30 am which means that they’re there at 6:30 am or shortly thereafter. I don’t have to be to work until 8am, but I choose to drop them off earlier than others so I can enjoy some peace and quiet a tad bit earlier every day to plan for he day and gather my thoughts. My mornings are always hectic, especially when I insist on leaving the house early, but I’m ok with that because I can enjoy a hot cup of joe (un-microwaved) in my office in peace and quiet.


That all said, lets hear it from the mom shamers out there. Let’s hear how much of a horrible mom I truly am. 

Can we all just be real? Mommying is hard. It’s no joke, and I feel that instead of judging one and other, we need to support each other. We’re raising little people to be good to others, so why not start by being nice to each other.

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