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8 Signs Your Marriage is Worth Saving

Eventually, the honeymoon phase will cease to exist. Parenting stresses, finances, meddling in-laws and marriage troubles are inevitable and are sure to cause some strife in your relationship.

In my opinion, and in research I’ve conducted, there are some sure-tell signs that your marriage is worth saving.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Doubt About Leaving

If the decision to leave your spouse does not come easy and actually torments you, it typically means that there are valid reasons to consider staying and working through what isn’t working.

Strain on Relationship Due to Children

If there is significant strain on a relationship due to children, this is not a great indicator of separation. It’s obvious that children tend to “kill” romance in a relationship due to many things for quite a while, but it’s a very normal stage that is typically just that, a stage. Most marriages can survive this stage. Those that work through this stage tend to realize that this is a very normal stage of marriage and it doesn’t have to be a deal breaker.

You’re Both Willing to Put in the Work

Oftentimes, couples tend to drift apart because they both stop putting in enough effort to keep the relationship healthy, but if they both are willing to get back on track and put in the work, the marriage is worth saving.

You Cannot Envision Life Without Them

If you can’t picture your life without them, the relationship is worth saving and working on. You not only owe it to yourself, but to each other, to try and address the issues that are causing strain on the relationship.

The Spark is Gone-But it Might Be Temporary

If you undoubtedly love your spouse, but just need to add some spark back into the relationship, your marriage is certainly worth saving. Little gestures each day may help, but discussing ways to add excitement into the marriage can go a long way.

You Feel Respected

If you still feel respected by your spouse and still respect your spouse, your marriage is worth saving.

At One Point in Your Marriage You Felt that this Was It

If at any point within the marriage, you genuinely felt a solid connection, passion, admiration, respect and love beyond words, your marriage should be worth saving. Things might be bleak now, but there is a change those feelings might be rekindled with the right guidance and hard work.

You Enjoy Each Other’s Company

If both partners want the same things in life, enjoy spending time with each other, and get along on a day-to-day basis, then the marriage is worth saving. It’s likely the reason they’ve hit a rough patch is due to poor communication.


Marriage is hard. Very, very hard. Many couples find themselves down in the trenches literally battling it out unable to find their way out. It’s in those moments, when it seems that the only way out is to part ways, but if both partners take the time to truly analyze and give their marriage an honest “gut-check”, their marriage might really be worth saving, especially if they agree with many of the statements described above.

Is your marriage worth saving? Are there any other signs missing from our list?


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