
9 Ways to be More Organized and Productive

I used to think I was the most organized person. In high school and college I’d rewrite my notes so that they were color coordinated and neat. My bed was always made first thing in the morning, and I was gifted a label maker because my obsession with organization was that comical to others (thanks sis). It wasn’t until I completed school, landed my first big girl job, got married and then had children that it occurred to me that I hadn’t ever been all that organized after all. I came to learn very early in my 30’s that adulthood required a very different kind of organization. An organization that takes into consideration parenthood, marriage, career-driven and side-hustling kind of people. 

That said, my organization style has changed tremendously these past few years, and I’m finally at a point in my life where I feel that I’m pretty organized, more productive and certainly more empowered than I’ve been years prior. But, it also didn’t happen overnight. It took years of trial and error to create a routine that worked for me. This routine allows me to be more productive and minimize the amount of time and energy I’m wasting on things that simple do not matter.

Here are the things that have worked for me.

Weekly Planning

I started weekly planning for my day job years ago, but have recently starting implementing this to my business and side hustles. It has allowed me to reflect on the week and plan accordingly.  I write all of my to-do’s the Sunday before or first thing Monday morning in a planner.  I also have incorporated Rachel Hollis’s Start Today practice which I do each and every morning which allows me to reflect on the things I’m grateful for while keeping in the top of my mind my short and long-term goals. I have found that making a to-do list each week allows me to adhere to my plan more consistently than when I wasn’t making a to-do list.  I practice this with my career and  my personal business each and every week.

Use Numbers on your To-Do List

By adding numbers to my to-do lists, I find that it helps me to finish each task before moving onto the next. It gives myself the necessary parameters and accountability to get things done.

Learn to Say No

I’m still working on this. I’m, by nature, a people pleaser and helper. I love helping others and having others rely on me for things, but I’m learning very quickly that if I don’t say no, I’m not protecting my goals or dreams. I recently turned down a side hustle because it was going to take away from everything I’m personally working on for my business as well as my career. Yes, the extra money would have been great, but it wasn’t worth compromising and slowing down my progress towards my own dreams. By saying no, you’re not over-committing or overwhelming yourself. Focus on what is truly important for what you’re trying to do.

Clean up Your Space

Having a messy work-space will not help your productivity throughout the day. If you’re constantly digging through papers to find something you need, it’s taking time away from the thing you’re trying to get done. Create the ideal work-space for you. Mine consists of music, a steaming cup of joe and fresh breeze.

Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

Turn off Notifications

I find that if notifications are constantly going off, while I’m trying to work, I’m much less productive. Part of my business requires me to be on social media, but when I am constantly being bombarded with notifications it becomes very distracting. When you’re truly wanting to be productive, turn off those notifications, even if it’s only for a few hours just so you’re able to better focus on the task at hand.

Ask for Help

My husband is always trying to free up time for me to get some work done, but I find myself gravitating towards the dishes in the sink or laundry piled up waiting to be folded. One thing I’m learning to do more is to ask for help. Ask for a family member to take the kids for a few hours so you have uninterrupted time to get tasks done. Hire a cleaning service to clean your house once a week. Hire someone to take care of the yard. Don’t feel that by asking for help, you’re asking for too much. If you truly want to be more productive, you have to ask for help where and when you need it. Don’t try to do it all.

Make time for Breaks

Literally. When you’re planning your day, pencil in some break times. These break times allow you to mentally rest and reset. If you’re sitting at a computer all day without a break, you’re more likely to be distracted thus less productive. Organize your day with breaks. For me, I like to break up my day by fitting in a workout during my day which allows me to recharge, sweet it out and focus on one of my personal goals which is fitness. Maybe it’s not hitting the gym, but going on a walk or watching a bit of mindless TV. Whichever it is, make time for it.

Clean up As You Go

Some of the biggest productivity distractions are the messes in my house or at work. If there are dishes in the sink, I tend to go wash them instead of working. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give is to clean up the little messes and put things back where they belong once you’re done with them. Instead of throwing something on the dining room table because you’re too lazy to put it back only adds more work for you later, which in turn takes away precious time from the things you’re looking to get done.

Be Happy with Less

Who else has a ton of stuff? By having less, you automatically cut back on the amounts of clutter and disorganization you’d otherwise potentially have. I’ve been more aware of this these past few years. I’ve lived in my house now for five years, and sadly there are still unpacked boxes in my basement. That little fact should undoubtedly prove to me that I can be happy with less.  My goal is to truly strive for minimalism this coming year. Less clutter and messes means there is room for more productivity.


If you’re truly striving to be more productive and organized, try implementing some of these tips into your daily routine. You create the life you want. Learn to say no. Take care of yourself. Create an ideal space with less clutter. Make lists and ask for help.  Once you do these things, you’ll be shocked to see the increase in you productivity, and you’ll be more organized.

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash


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