A Letter to My Husband on His 40th Birthday


Happy Birthday!

40 Years.

14,600 Days.

350,400 Hours.

21,024,000 Minutes.

That is how long you have graced this planet.

And I’ve only had 3,540 of those days.

You’re trying to check my math, huh? Don’t waste your time 🙂

Don’t look at this day as a sign that you’re “getting old” but as a sign of “getting better”. You’re a dude, which means that somehow aging only makes you a more luxurious version of yourself. As I (a woman) ages, I just deteriorate. You just keep getting better looking with age.

Today we celebrate you and the many gifts you offer.


I still remember the moment, even before we were married, that I knew you’d be an amazing father. What I didn’t realize is that “amazing” would grow to be a HUGE understatement. You are both kind and firm. You PLAY like it’s your full time job.  You hurt when they hurt, you pick them up when they fail, you guide when they need direction and you celebrate when they succeed. You are magical in this role. Braxton and Beckett are blessed to have you as a dad, and more importantly-perhaps- is how blessed I am that you are their father.


You have and always will be my biggest fan. You have continuously pushed me to succeed in the almost ten years we’ve been together. You’ve pushed me to write my book, start my own company, and held my hand as we walked through our emotional journey to parenthood and everything following. I don’t think I could have made it through that journey without the love and support from you. You believe in me. You believe in our dreams. You believe in our children. Thank you. 


Your laugh is contagious. You make fun of me (all the time) or crack silly jokes with our boys, but your laugh is part of the reason I fell in love with you so many years ago. It’s genuine. It’s you, and it’s brilliant. You’re a kid at heart, and that’s what makes you so lovable.



You often work 7 days a week to provide a comfortable life for the boys and myself. You miss out on relaxing weekends, but once you’re home you’re all about family. Your boys  love the attention you give them. Braxton absolutely cherishes the wrestling and nerf guns wars that transpire within our home daily. Beckett loves the goofy faces and sounds you make, and his laugh is enough to melt anyone’s heart. The happiness our boys experience when they’re with you is non-replaceable.


You are committed. Through thick and thin, your loyalty, love and support is evident. You have  taken this role to heart, and you truly are an incredible husband. I know I don’t give you enough credit sometimes and often give you a hard time, but I hope you know how much I appreciate and love you.


My wishes for you–

I pray that the “good days” far outnumber any other kind of day you have.

I pray that you never stop laughing.

I pray that you never give up on your dreams.

I pray that you recognize and feel the amount of love that surrounds you each day.

I pray that you never lose your sense of adventure.

I pray that you remain to be a kid at heart and never “grow up”

I pray that you truly know how much I (and the boys) appreciate all that you do for us each and every day.

I pray that you embrace 40 with open arms because baby you’re more handsome than ever!

Happy Happy Birthday, Handsome Hubby of Mine!

Love always,











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