A Letter to my Son on his First Birthday

God bless this perfect little one, Keep him safe and sound. Bless his tiny hands and feet, so he may conquer and defeat. Brighten up his spiritual eyes, so that he may undoubtedly become wise. Bless his cute little mouth, So your name he can shout. But most of all bless his little mind, to stay heavenly divine. Oh! And don’t forget to bless his parents too For the big job they’ve got to do. Amen.

To My Beautiful Boy,

 One year ago today, your father and I received the most precious gift, one of which has made our family rich with joy and love. You were nearly 2 weeks early, and it’s in my opinion that you were so excited to meet us! You were so perfect. We welcomed you into our arms at 11:36pm weighing 8 lbs. and stretching 20 ¼ inches long. You were worth the pain, the discomfort, the long grueling day that we endured to get you into our arms.  I can still remember the following hours which were filled with complete and total bliss. Your daddy and I just stared at you in awe. Your tiny fingers and toes so miniscule to size of my hand, your little bottom lip that you liked to suck on, your cooing when you slept and the little smiles you’d squeeze out here and there. We worshipped you, we all did, and we all still do.

You inherited your daddy’s personality. Although I can see a part of my personality deep within you, you are totally your father’s son. We named you Braxton (NO! Not after the OSU QB, Braxton Miller), because we loved the name. Your middle name is Leland which is your grandpa’s middle name. Your name suits you perfectly in my totally unbiased opinion.

You inherited my blue eyes and light brown hair. Your little nose and lips resemble mine as well. I can tell you have a bit of your mommy’s sassy attitude, and that’s ok because you have a little bit of your daddy’s attitude in you, too. Watch out world.

This past year has been the best year of our lives. I’ve watched you grow and develop that spunky, happy-go-lucky personality. Your laughs illuminate a room, and your playful and goofy self makes your daddy and I laugh all day every day. I cannot get enough of those kisses (which are more like open mouth kisses with teeth being involved) or your little hugs. When you clap your hands or high-five us, my heart swells with laughter and love.

My prayer for you is that you never ever lose the ability to live your life and be yourself. You are very independent and always wanting to learn. Don’t let anyone take those things away from you. Your wonder and awe of everything around you never ceases to amaze me. You are so completely present in every situation and because of that you are able to appreciate wholeheartedly the little things. You are continuously teaching your daddy and I something new and wonderful. I am inspired each and every day when I see that smiling face of yours. You make me want to be a better mom and a better person.

It is my goal in life to always let you know just how much you mean to me, and I vow to always encourage you, motivate you, cherish you, love you, teach you, pray for you and be there for you every step of the way. You have made such a profound difference in my life as well as others. You honestly make the world a better place just by being here. I can only imagine what amazing and beautiful things you are sure to do and accomplish in the future, because at just one, you are living life to the fullest.

Braxton, I love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and always.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy! I love you more than words can say.

Love, your momma


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