A Letter to my Son on Mother’s Day


Dearest Braxton,

As I sit here typing these words, I am reminded how truly blessed I am to be celebrating Mother’s Day.

I thank God every day for choosing me to be your momma. The incredibly difficult journey your father and I endured leading up to you was worth it, and we’d do it all over again if it met you’d be ours.

These last two years of being your momma have been the best years of my life. You have blessed me in ways that you might never understand, and the impact you have left on me is positively everlasting.

I am a better person and a better wife because of you. You have shaped me in a way that I never knew was possible, and the amount of love and happiness I feel because of you in overwhelming.

I am amazed by you every day. Your goofy personality and your avid curiosity keep your father and I on our toes. Even on the days when you’re extra naughty, our love for you doesn’t change.

The adventures we go on and memories we make will always be the best part of this journey called life.

I still remember the exact moment I found out I was pregnant and, and tears I shed when telling your father were endless. When I held you in my arms for the first time, it occurred to be that you were the definition of love. In that moment, the immediate sense of love and affection I had for you would forever be a part of my existence.

You are the reason I was put on this Earth. I was always meant to be your momma. Your daddy was supposed to be your daddy, and together we were supposed to be your parents. We are incredibly blessed to be your parents.

My life is infinity better because of you, Braxton.

Thank you for being the reason I get to celebrate Mother’s Day.

I love you, sweet boy!

Love, Momma

A sweet moment that was captured at Church


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One Comment

  1. Absolutely beautiful my daughter. And I was meant to be your mommy too! I love Braxton and I wouldn’t have him if I’d not had you so everything happens just as it should right? Love you with all my heart! Mom

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