Always Be Thankful

God, help me to focus on Truth instead of trial. Help me to give thanks instead of giving into fear. Help me to choose joy instead of anger. Help me to trust in your power instead of my plan. Help me to elevate your name instead of my own.

This week has certainly tested my patience and faith. It has been one of thee most frustrating and trying weeks I have ever experienced. I won’t go into much detail, but instead give thanks to the positive and wonderful things in my life. I find this fitting considering that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving in a joyous occasion most often celebrated with friends and family giving thanks for the harvest and the preceding year. It’s a time for reminiscing and remembering all the glorious events that transpired throughout the year. I, for one, have many things to be thankful for, and I shall share a few with you.

First and foremost, the #1 highlight of this year was the birth of my first child, a son, Braxton. He is the highlight of my day each and every day. He has brought an tremendous amount of love and joy into my life as well as Jason’s and there is not a day that goes by that I regret becoming a mother.

Secondly, I am so fortunate to have such a supportive and loving husband. We have accomplished so much this year, and although we don’t see each other much and we have our fair share of disagreements, I wouldn’t trade the life we have built together for anything. I am thankful I have found the man I truly love and wouldn’t go through this life with any other partner but him by my side.

Third, I am so fortunate to have built an unbreakable bond with my sister, Christy. We weren’t always the closest, but this past year we have become the absolute best of friends. She has pushed me to achieve so many goals this year and has been an inspiration for me to be the best I can be as a business professional, a mother, a wife and a friend. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.

Fourth, I am fortunate for the rest of my family. Although my family is spread around the U.S, I am fortunate to have both sisters near by as well as my father. My mother lives in Florida but bless her soul she has visited twice this year, and what a blessing she is. I am also so thankful for my in-laws and extended family. I have an amazing support system.

Fifth, I am thankful for career I have built and the goals I have accomplished. I have grown so much this year, and I am only growing and maturing more while mastering different areas in my life. I have become more confident, independent, goal-oriented and more of a leader. I am proud of who I have become this past year, and although I’m not where I want to be just yet, I’m damn near close. I won’t stop until I get there.

Sometimes it’s hard to see all of the amazing things happening in my life because those good things are so easily shrouded with all of the negativity that surrounds us all. We live in violent times, scary times and the news reports on those things instead of highlighting the good that does exist. I am working on focusing on the good and distancing myself from the negative. My life is too good to let the bad affect it.

I hope that you all take a few minutes to really focus on the things or people you are thankful for. As we gather tomorrow with our dear ones, let us cherish the time spent together, and let it act as a reminder to be thankful for what we have that others may not have. Let tomorrow be a day where you have not a worry in the world and enjoy time away from work and the violence going on around the world. Make memories, laugh a lot, love with everything you have and live.

I leave you with this, Collossians 3:15-17 “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

God Bless, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Until next time,


My sister, Christy, & I after the Susan Komen 5k May 2014
My sister, Christy, & I after the Susan Komen 5k May 2014
Mom, Cole, Christy & Braxton
Mom, Cole, Christy & Braxton
Braxton and I
Braxton and I
Jason and I
Jason and I
Christy, Ashley, Dad and I at Dad's wedding, September of this year
Christy, Ashley, Dad and I at Dad’s wedding, September of this year
Ashley and I
Ashley and I

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