Braxton Celebrates SIX Months!

Happy Fall! Fall is my FAVORITE “PureMichigan” Season of the them all! I love watching the trees explode in different shades of reds, yellows, and oranges. I love the smell of bon-fires and doughnuts and drinking hot cider. Obviously with fall comes FOOTBALL (GO LIONS, GO MSU!). The ONLY thing I dislike about Fall, is knowing that Winter is right around the corner, and forecasters are predicting a bitter cold and treacherous winter. Oh Joy! The Jones household has been settling into the cool weather just nicely. We have already visited the Cider Mill and Orchard, and I’ve been getting my craft on. Braxton is already 6 months old..nearly 7. Jason and I were both on vacation on his 1/2 birthday so we got to enjoy the entire day with him. We took some fun pictures and enjoyed spending time together as a family. Jason and I are settling into parenthood pretty easily, and we are really enjoying how interactive Braxton is becoming. He is rolling around like crazy, standing (with help), close to crawling, teething like something fierce and ‘talking’. Jason and I are pretty sure that Braxton said “dada” early this morning and has continued to say it most of the day. It’s amazing how quickly he is growing up! Looking forward to having a wonderful Fall!!

Braxton having fun picking out pumpkins
Braxton having fun picking out pumpkins
Braxton hanging out on the hay!
Braxton hanging out on the hay!
Braxton and Mommy at Gull Meadows
Braxton and Mommy at Gull Meadows
Braxton's 1/2 Birthday!
Braxton’s 1/2 Birthday!
Braxton's 1/2 Birthday!
Braxton’s 1/2 Birthday!
Daddy loving on Braxton
Daddy loving on Braxton

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