Braxton is 9 Months

Hard to believe that our little man is already 9 months old! Crazy how fast the past 9 months have flow by. He is getting so big and so very adventurous. He is nearly crawling forward (nailed is at crawling backwards), standing and walking with help and starting to get into everything. He is such a funny and happy baby. Although the past three nights have been torturous with him testing us and us letting him cry it out..for nearly 2 hours last night..I wouldn’t change being a parent for anything in this entire world. I can count on seeing him-even on the worst of days- and him having the ability to make me smile without even trying. Crazy how someone so small can have so much of my heart. I can’t wait to see him continue to learn and grow and become more independent. Super pumped that he is celebrating so many fun holidays with us this year also!


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