Braxton’s First Birthday!

Braxton’s First Birthday

March 20, 2015
As I laid Braxton down the evening before his birthday, it may come to you as no surprise that I was a bit sad. I was sad knowing that he wasn’t going to be considered a baby anymore the next day and that he would now be considered a toddler. Where in the world did the past year go? The time flew by, and now my first born son was ONE! I watched him sleep for a few moments before retreating to the dining room table which I had turned into a make-shift craft table. I had a few things to finish up before his birthday the next day, and my focus wasn’t entirely with me as I kept looking through old pictures and videos of Braxton through his first year of life.

Where had my baby gone? It’s so fun seeing how much he has changed over the last year. He has such a personality, and he is very vocal which makes story-telling very interesting. He is such a blessing for us! Our miracle baby!!!

Early the next morning upon Braxton waking up Jason and I had put some balloons in his crib which he loved playing with. I took his birthday off of work, so I was just excited to spend the day with my boys. We fed Braxton then let him open his presents and play with his new toys. As the day progressed, my sister came over and took some family pictures of us before we allowed him to smash his cake. My sister in law designed a smash cake for Braxton, which turned out amazing, and we took pictures of him “eating” it. He didn’t even want to touch the cake, and we pretty much had to coerce him. The whole experience was pretty amazing. Being able to witness the days events with my husband was priceless.


Saturday we celebrated his birthday with friends and family. I had been working for weeks to get his decorations ready, and they were finally hung around the house is preperation for his party. Obviously his birthday party was dinosaur-themed. 🙂 We had tons of friends and family gathered at our house to celebrated our sweet Braxton turning ONE. Despite him battling his second nap for the day, he did pretty well. He got spoiled! He ate some more cake and played with his new toys and friends. It was the perfect day. Actually it was a pretty perfect few days spending some quality time with Jason and Braxton.

I still cannot believe he is ONE, but he has been such a blessing. I’m so happy God chose my to be his mother. I’m glad that he chose Jason to be my husband and Braxton’s father. What a blessed life we live.

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