DIY Memory Jar

When you create a memory jar, you collect memories that have been written down throughout the year and at the end of the year, you open them with your family to read! This is a great way to reflect on all of those special memories from the prior year.


I have been making them for the past few years, and my family and I really enjoy opening the jar at the end of the year and taking turns reading through each one! I created another one for 2016, and cannot wait to start filing up the jar with memories made with my family and friends throughout the year!

Follow these eight simple steps to create your 2016 Memory Jar! And remember, NO PEEKING!

Step One: Find a Mason Jar

When finding the ideal mason jar, make sure you purchase one large enough to fit at least 3 gold balls inside. This will allow you to store more memories within the jar throughout the year! Make sure the jar has a screw lid in order to keep those memories safe and secure.

Step Two: Find some Scrapbook Paper/Wrapping Paper

Whatever you wish to use to decorate your jar is up to you. Some people wish to use wrapping paper or some kind of paper that represents a memory.

I chose to use decorative scrapbook paper on my jar.


Step Three: Choose Details to Add to the Jar

You could use stickers, lace, buttons, keys, bows, beads or whatever else you feel looks good. You can add personal touches to it by putting a picture of your family on there or incorporating your favorite colors into the design decoration of the jar.

Step Four: Make a Label for your Memory Jar

Use scissors to cut out a blank, colored or patterned piece of paper to write your name and ‘memory jar’ on it. You can add any additional details or pieces of information you desire.

I chose to use scrapbook paper and scrapbook stickers to put the year and message on there.


Step Five: Start Assembling your Memory Jar

Use the items you have gathered to start decorating your Memory Jar. Make sure to put the scrapbook paper on first, followed by the message and name or year. Put on there whatever you prefer and don’t forget to add the additional details which may include ribbon, bows, stickers, etc. Don’t forget to add on the year or the title of your Memory Jar.

Step Seven: Add some Details to the Lid

You can put pretty much put anything you want on the top of your memory jar. Make sure you don’t add too much to it so that it creates issues sealing when trying to close.

I chose to add some scrapbook paper and stickers to mine!


Step Eight: Start adding your Memories

Start adding your memories by writing them down on blank or colored paper. Fold them up and place them in the jar.

I have left pieces of paper and a pen next to the Memory Jar so that it’s easier to write down the memories right away instead of fumbling around looking for a pen and paper and writing them down later possibly losing some of the memory details.

Additional Notes:

Make sure to get your entire family involved. The more memories you compile, the more fun it’ll be at the end of the year when you’re all sitting down going through each memory. Keep the Memory Jar in a place that is visible so as to remind your family to add in memories throughout the year.

Remember, don’t open till the next year! Have fun with it!


Happy New Year, and Cheers to some amazing 2016 Memories!



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One Comment

  1. I always mean to do this and never really get started. I will make a better attempt this year because it surely seems that it will be “one of those years”. 🙂 Thanks for the ideas!

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