Embracing the New Year & Resolutions! :):)

As I remember 2014 and slowly shut the door on a year that was sure to be a game changer for the rest of my life, I open the door to 2015 and embrace it openly. 2014 had its shares of ups and downs, but the ups far surpassed the downs. Jason and I welcomed our first child into the world in March, and he has brought us so much joy the last 9.5 months. 2015 is sure to bring us new challenges as we continue to grow as parents and work on finding a balance between being a parent and finding time to enjoy each others company without losing the autonomy of which our marriage was built upon.This year I know how much busier I will be, and I’m prepared for it. I’m excited, nervous, overwhelmed, eager and everything in between, but most of all I know it’s sure to be the best year yet. I have the best husband, beautiful baby boy and great friends and family to help push me through. Cheers to another great year ahead!

Disclaimer- Some of the following New Years Resolutions are the typical cliche resolutions. Ones that are made by millions of people each and every year and then broken as easily as they’re made. For me, I have set and achieved many resolutions throughout the years, and I have only been able to do so because I am very organized and trained to get the job done. Some of my resolutions are things I want to achieve and things I want to do. Enjoy, and I’ll make sure to keep you posted as the year transpires.

  1. Plan to expand our family
  2. Become a well-known blogger
    1. Get sponsored
    2. Utilize YouTube
    3. Get a computer that allows me to succeed with this task
  3. Grow ‘Two Clicks Photography & Design’
  4. Learn to Sew
  5. Finish my children’s book
    1. Turn children’s book into a series
  6. Save $20-$25k
  7. Double my work income from 2014
  8. Get Toned
  9. Eat Healthier
  10. Make a new friend
  11. Join a “mom’s club”
  12. Be a better “dog” mom
  13. Be more patient
  14. Read the Bible
  15. Go see the Nutcracker at the Opera
  16. Organize my laptop
  17. Hit the gym 4-5 times/week
  18. Become a freelance writer
  19. Plant a Garden
  20. Teach Braxton sign language
  21. Join/attend a Bible Study
  22. Be less argumentative

I may add onto this list as the year unfolds and as the months fly by because I plan on achieving a lot of these very early on this year! Always remember, if you lose sight of one or more of your resolutions, don’t give up. If anything, experiencing a little bump in the road can create a challenge that both motivates you and kick-starts the resolution again.

Good luck. Have fun. Love. Laugh. and LIVE <3

Be Fierce.
Be Fierce.

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