Fall Michigan Weekends

There’s no denying that Fall in Michigan is stunning. The smell of crisp weather, the glorious colors radiating from the trees and the beautiful sunsets make Michigan a Fall-stop must. Fortunately for me, I live in Michigan, and Fall is by far my favorite season. Sure, it means Summer is over and Winter is approaching, but the famous quote below is a favorite of mine. Fall symbolizes that the year is coming to end in a few months and with that comes a new year. Not only is Fall beautiful, but I’m always eager to let go and move forward towards a new year.

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

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This year has certainly been a trying one, so although I’m fortunate for the things I’ve been through, I’m really ready to enter into a new year. A fresh start. The things I have been through this year have changed me, a lot. I’d by lying if I said that they didn’t. I’m significantly different today than I was back in February before my cancer diagnosis. I have to remind myself that it’s normal to be different following a traumatic ordeal.

That all said, here’s how we have been enjoying Fall this year.

A few weeks ago, we were fortunate to go on a train ride. My brother-in-law works for the railroad, so we were invited to go on a scenic train ride. We had a blast, and the views were so beautiful. The train cars were also very cool. The boys loved the experience.



It was a really cool experience, and we were thankful to be able to attend this fun family event.


Two weeks ago, my sister and her son and myself and my boys headed up North to visit some family. We spent as much time outside as possible. My dad and step-mom live through the Tunnel of Trees, so we have a beautiful drive. We went for walks every day a few times a day, we walked down to the water, I went for an early Saturday morning run and went to Pond Hill.

We had a lot of fun. I certainly had my hands full with both of my boys, but we made the most of our time together.


This is the sunset in Harbor Springs from my parent’s porch. How stunning! We enjoyed the water and the views. The boys loved playing with the rocks and throwing them into the water.

My run was partially through the Tunnel of Trees, and there is an old school house we pass on the way to the house. I ended up jogging right by it. It was surrounded by beautifully colored trees.

72746922_10101097352630439_4923354383300689920_n.jpg Pond Hill is literally a few minutes away from my parent’s house. I jogged to it from their house. On Saturday, we all went to Pond Hill to enjoy the beautiful Fall weather. We enjoyed pumpkins, hot cider, hay rides, feeding fish and spent a lot of time playing outside. My boys didn’t want to leave.


We went for a walk in a Nature Preserve, and it was beautiful. We even found a little wooden tent that the boys got to explore.



Sunday we headed to Boyne City. It was, again, a beautiful and oddly warmer day. We enjoyed ice cream, shopping and Christy, AJ and Cole took the boys to the park. If was nice to enjoy a little shopping without the boys. 🙂

We had a fun time while up North. The weather could not have been any better, the company was fantastic, and it was nice to spend so much time outside!


Next up, we enjoyed the boys Pumpkin Fest at their daycare. Ever since Braxton was a baby, we have gone to the same daycare and each year the daycare owners throw a fun family day called Pumpkin Fest. Even though I was sick this year, I made it a point to get the boys there. Braxton looks forward to it every year. My mom even came with us this year! It was a bit chilly, but the sun was out, so we couldn’t really complain.

We are still enjoying as much time outside as possible before the snowflakes fly, so we are trying to go for walks and play outside when we can.

The boys are looking forward to Halloween and trick-or-treating. Braxton is dressing up as an army guy (again), and Beckett will hopefully be a lion, but he’s been wearing his brother’s old superman costume a lot lately.


Cheers to Michigan Falls! What’s your favorite place to be during the Fall season?