Final Weeks of Pregnancy

We are finally in the home stretch of this pregnancy. 36 weeks 5 days with only 26 days (or less) until we meet our little man. As I reflect on the last 8-9 months, all I know for sure is that I still feel so blessed to be going through this journey regardless of how uncomfortable it may be at times. I have the most supportive husband who is equally (if not more) excited to meet our son and loving friends and family who are there when they are needed most. Jason has been an absolute blessing throughout this pregnancy, and his willingness to step in when needed and take some of the every day stresses off my shoulders has been phenomenal. He puts me (and our son) before himself and is always asking how he can help with things. I cannot emphasize enough how fortunate I got when I met and subsequently married Jason. I’m so lucky to have him. Even though my body is constantly hurting, I have to thank my sister, Christy, who has practiced yoga or massage therapy with me once a week for the past few weeks. It helps my body relax, and meanwhile I can pick her brain about childbirth and motherhood. I’m still walking and lifting weights (in safe moderation), and still working full-time, so at the end of the day I’m ready to sleep. But, I understand that when little man comes, I won’t be able to help out as much around the house or prepare dinners for Jason every night, so right now I’m trying to do as much as possible. Jason deserves that. Until I get the hang of things (as a mother), I won’t be as helpful around the house. Fortunately, I know Jason will be understanding and helpful. As I stare at our packed bags (for the hospital) and look at the nursery (which is nearly finished) and miscellaneous items set up throughout the house for the baby, I am just amazed by this entire journey. Overwhelmed and so in love with our little boy already. I can honestly say that I have always deeply loved my husband, but my love for him has grown exponentially more each and every day. I am so blessed to have him as my husband and the father of our son. Now we are just waiting to meet our little boy. Cannot wait to love on him!!Image

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