Finding Balance as a Working Mom

It seems like since having my second child, my life had become completely off balance.  Truth is that I put too much on my place-I’ve always done that even before kids. There are a lot of pressures that come with being a mom, but truth be told, much of those pressures come from ourselves. We create unrealistic expectations and add extra layers of stress to that because we are working moms.


Here are a few suggestions on how to find balance:

Own your Schedule

One of the things that has become to important to me is scheduling my time. I’ve learned to create a daily schedule from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed.

You don’t need to have something scheduled for every second and minute, and I actually encourage you to have some blank space on your calendar. Having a planned out schedule allows me to stay laser focused and on task. If I don’t follow a schedule, it’s incredibly easy for me to lose my focus, which can result in very unproductive day.

Every day will always vary depending on what is happening each day.

Make a To-Do List

As mothers, we constantly are trying to do too much. We almost always set ourselves up for failure because we think and want to do it all. You must be realistic with yourself and understand that you’re not Wonder Woman.

I make a to-do list at the beginning of each week that includes the items that I need to get done for that week. From that to-do list, I prioritize the items that are the ones that should be done first, and work on completing those. I successfully go through my list because of the way I’ve structured it.

Have a Vision and Goals

Having visions created helps keep things into perspective for you allowing you to truly understand and be mindful of what you’re working for. Your vision should be a rather broad look at what you’d like your life to look like. Examples could include being debt free or traveling to Europe sans kids. Your vision is a guiding light  that you helps you  set goals and make necessary decisions to get to where you know you want to be.

Don’t Over-Commit

I tend to over-commit. I have a hard time saying “no” because I tend to be a people pleaser. I’m being more mindful when committing to something because I know that saying “yes” to something means I’m saying “no” to something else. This will help keep your obligations and commitments in check.

Strive for Present Over Perfection

The pressure to be the perfect mom is very real. The smallest failures can make us feel less than perfect, but what I had to realize very quickly was that I will never ever be perfect. A perfect mother literally does not exist.

Stop wasting more time and energy on trying to be perfect, rather be more present in your relationships. Be more present with your husband, your kids, family and friends. The nurturing of these relationships are much more important than obtaining a sense of perfection.

Meal Plan

One of the things I’m also starting to do is meal planning. By meal planning, I spend less time trying to decide on what to make for dinner because it has already been thought out.  It allows for healthier meals and less last minute runs to the store. By meal planning, I’m equipped with my shopping list, and I know exactly what I need for every planned meal throughout the week.


Make housework less tedious by breaking it down into pieces or days. Do not try to get all of the housework done at the same time. Do a little each day. Some days might be busier than others, but creating a balance is important.

Hire Help

If you’re able, hire help. If it’s something you can afford and it can help you reach your goals, remove some of the tasks you don’t need to be wasting your time on, and hire someone to take care of it for you. I have a hard time asking for help, so this is an action item that I certainly need to work on.

Make time for You

If you aren’t caring for yourself, you won’t have the mental, physical or emotional energy to maintain a healthy balance. Try to obtain adequate sleep, get your body moving on a regular basis and listen to what your body is telling you. By operating on full cylinders, you’re able to balance all that is thrown at you.

Also try to make time for doing the things you like to do.Things that stimulate your mind and re-energizes you. Make time for those that mean the most in your life. Plan date nights with your spouse to reconnect.

Finding balance takes effort. It does not take place over night, and it often comes after trial and error. Are there any tips or recommendations you’d like to share that I didn’t mention?



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