Finding your Mom-hood Tribe

There is no doubt that friendships change once you become a mom. Some of your friends go through motherhood with you, while others seem to vanish into thin ear. You occasionally get free time, but that free time is rarely spent with friends. Rather you utilize that time to get caught up on laundry, rest, grab groceries or complete other super exciting tasks. If you do find time to spend with friends, your time is spent with those that have children.  It’s easier. Their kids entertain your kids and the snacks are way less expensive and easy compared to the fancy salads and wine you and your friends used to indulge in before children.


Once you become a mother, you get a bit pickier when it comes to who you decide to be friends with. Here are some definite prerequisites:

  • Discipline my kids because you care, not because it makes you feel better about your parents and children.

  • You don’t judge me for grabbing fast food for dinner.

  • You don’t judge me because I refuse to sign my kids up for every activity throughout the year.

  • If I offend you, you’re woman enough to tell me.

  • You don’t judge me for what I eat.

  • You appreciate my dirty mind and my occasional immaturity.

  • We can both agree with our kids are being little sassholes.

  • You’re swearing is comparable to mine

  • You are comfortable with me, and you tend to  tell me how you feel.

  • You don’t judge my kids for what they’re wearing or if they fit.

There is no argument that mom friends help us keep going some days. Mommying is hard. Choose who you surround yourself with-you’ve earned.


Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash