Hacking Your Motivation

We are living in weird times. For many of us, this season has been one of the most challenging seasons yet. Because of this challenging season, it’s tough to stay motivated to get the things done that need to be done in order to stay on track for achieving the goals that you have set out to achieve.

Here are some tips that have become invaluable for myself that I have gathered throughout the years, and trust me when I say that I have gone through many tough seasons.

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Concentrate on the Positive

It’s so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the media and opinions of others.  The media sensationalizes news in order to get the audience to react so by focusing on all of the world’s problems, we are forced to learn more about the negative things happening around us than the positive. We have to choose what kind of media we’re exposing ourselves too. Not only does the news do this, but even social media platforms are doing this in order to get their users to react. Similarly, if we associated with negative people and people who tend to complain and focus on all that is bed, it’s easy to start feeling that way as well.

We must limit this type of negative exposure, and start exposing ourselves to the positive. Surround yourself with like-minded and positive people and media. By focusing on positive things, we’re more likely to be positive and experience less anxiety and stress. Some ways to do this is to read positive books or listen to uplifting podcasts. Listen to some of your favorite music or take a walk. Do the things that allow you to feel positive, and work hard to remove all that causes you to experience a sense of negativity.

Cast a Vision

In order to know where you are headed, you must first cast a vision for what you want your future to look like. Casting a vision is important in that it helps you visualize your goals. Without casting a vision, you’re setting yourself up for failure because you have given yourself no direction. You might as well be wandering lost in the woods because you haven’t given yourself a compass to your goals. Your vision can include short and long-term goals. Give yourself a compass to your goals by physically writing a vision for your goals. What does your future self want to see? What will your future self be like? What short and long-term goals will your future self have wanted to accomplish? You need to visualize your goals in order to make them happen.


Once you’ve casted your vision and you’ve written down your short and long-term goals, it’s not time to break those goals down even deeper by utilizing this concept of SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable,  Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. This concept  incorporates all of the necessary criteria to help you successfully navigate your focus, properly and in a way, that helps you focus and increase your chances of accomplishing the goals you set out to achieve.

Specific: Define your goal as specifically and clearly as possible. What exactly do you want to achieve? Include the what, why, who and  where within this step.

Measurable: Define your criteria in a way that allows you to measure your progress which will in turn help you know when you have successfully achieved your goal. Use measurements such as amounts, time frame, percentages, dollar amounts, etc. Ask yourself how long, how many and how much.

Achievable: Ask yourself how realistic your goal is. Do you have the necessary skills and resources required to achieve the goal? List them out. Can you obtain them?

Relevant: Is this goal or are these goals worthwhile. Does the goals align with your overall goals in your life? Are you the right person for the task you’ve outlined?

Time-Bound: The is one of the most important tips. Choose a deadline for your goal. Set up checkpoints and milestones along the way to your goal date.

By following the SMART goal system, you’re much more likely to attain your goals.

Commit to a Routine

Try to commit to a routine that you can do every single day. It can be as simple as waking up early to read for a bit before the kids wake up or simply committing to making your bed after crawling out of it in the morning. When you set a routine, you’re able to start your day with direction. For myself, making my bed is one of the first thing I do when I get up each day. I automatically feel motivated by following this simple routine, and it sets the stage for a productive day.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

In order to hack your motivation, you must surround yourself with the right people. If you find yourself around people who are unmotivated and unmoved by the concept of wanting more, then you need to find a new crowd to surround yourself with. Find yourself a tribe, if you will, that motivates you and pushes you to be the best version of yourself. Surround yourself with people you strive to be more like, and make sure that these people are also positive. Again, if you find yourself surrounded by negative people, you’re more likely to emulate the surrounds you find yourself in. Make sure it’s surrounding is one that you want to be in.

Find a Community

Finding a community full of like-minded individuals will help you stay on track. I’m, personally, a member of several entrepreneur, leadership, marketing, motherhood/parenting and author groups. I obtain fantastic ideas and engage in though-provoking, relevant and informative conversations that help me grow in the areas I wish to grow. By finding a community, I have basically a tribe of individuals who have similar goals. They are also individuals I can reach out to when I have questions and are individuals who I can depend on when things get tough.

Yes, your family and friends can be part of that community, but I think it’s important to point out that some of your friends and family aren’t necessarily seeking more. they might not have bigger goals, and at times, when surrounding yourself with them when they do not have the motivation you do can turn out to be quite crippling for you.

Find and engage in a community that has similar goals. These individuals will push you, encourage you and provide unparalleled information to help you grow.

Take One Day at a Time

Remember that some days will be easier than others. Some days might be really tough, but it’s important that you take each day one day at a time. if you try to do more than that, you’re going to overload yourself and set yourself up for failure. Don’t push yourself day in and day out. It’s simple not worth the stress and anxiety of overworking yourself each and every day. Take each day as they come. Plan the other days out, but try to keep it relatively simple as to ensure that you’re not overwhelming yourself thus making it harder to achieve your goals. When you overwhelm yourself and place too much on your plate, you’re less likely to stay motivated because all you see is one failure or stress after another.

Your Journey is Yours

Don’t compare your journey to someone else. You have no idea how long that other person has been working or how much they have put into their goal. You’re doing yourself a huge disservice when you’re comparing yourself to someone else. You have no idea what their story is. Maybe they had a ton of financial support that helped launch their dream in half the time it took you. Maybe they lost everything before they achieved it all. We’re all in different stages of our journey, so it’s not fair to compare yourself to someone else no matter what part of the journey you’re in.

Track and Celebrate you Progress

Track the progress you’ve achieved while on your journey. Not only is this a huge motivator but it helps keep you on track. For instance, if you’re seeking to hit a financial goal, you’re much more likely to achieve it when you’re tracking your progress. If you’ve put in place a weight-loss goal, track the progress you’ve made and then celebrate the progress. The most common thing people forget to do during their journey,which can lead to demotivating is not recognizing their progress. Celebrate the wins you encounter along the way even if they’re small.

Show Yourself some Grace

The journey won’t be perfect. The sooner you realize that, the better. You must be prepared to experience failure. You must be prepared to experience extreme highs and wins. You must also be prepared to experience everything in between. Show yourself some grace. You will experience days when you are extremely motivated whereas there will be other days when you don’t feel like doing a thing. You’ll experience a variety of days, but by showing yourself some grace and still showing up for yourself and your goals daily despite the obstacles, you’re more likely to move forward towards the goals you’re working towards.


There’s no denying that we’re living in and experiencing unprecedented tines, which is why it’s more important than ever to hack your motivation now. Some individual’s dreams and have goals have gotten derailed within the last couple of months, and some do not know how to get back on track. Utilize some of these tips and tricks to hack your motivation to make the remainder of the year the best that it can be!

Hacking your Motivation