

Halloween was a ton of fun this year. Braxton is at that age where he is beginning to understand that saying “trick or treat” results in candy. The weather was beautiful, a bit brisk, but no snow or rain for once! Jason and I both worked the morning of, but around 3pm, I grabbed Braxton and headed to Battle Creek to trick or treat with Jason’s parents and other family members.

Before we got to Jason’s parents home, we took Braxton to the park to enjoy the beautiful day! He had a blast.

Upon getting to Jason’s parents house, we ordered some pizza and prepared for a fun night of trick or treating. We had some cousin’s show up who went with us which really helped Braxton to open up. He really enjoyed himself once he got used to the trick or treat routine. Check out all the photos especially the one’s of Braxton and his cousin, Mason!

Braxton couldn’t stop talking about Trick or Treating and how much fun he had. I cannot wait until next year! He is going to LOVE it even more!

Here are some other miscellaneous Fall/Halloween photos! We visited Gene’s to grab pumpkins and took in the beautiful landscape.

We even carved pumpkins this year! Braxton wasn’t too helpful as he kept saying, “That’s disgusting!” as we were gutting the pumpkins. Silly boy.

We have had a great Fall thus far. We have had beautiful weather, and we’ve been trying to be outdoors as much as possible. Looking forward to the remaining time we have before snow hits the ground.

How have you been enjoying Fall?

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