Happy 39th Birthday, Jason!

Jason, Happy Birthday!

God certainly broke the mold 39 years ago when he made you. As you celebrate the last year of your 30’s, I hope you embrace it, fully, and appreciate all that you have achieved thus far in your life. You are a remarkable father with a unbelievable work ethic. You have taught our son so many valuable life lessons that are sure to transform him into a remarkable father some day as well. Since you’re kind of freaking out about this birthday, I thought I’d help make it a bit easier by sharing 39 things about you that I love and that make you so incredible.

1) You’re funny

2) You’re charming

3) You’re hard-working

4) You’re so incredibly handsome

5) You’re an amazing father

6) You provide so much

7) You’re a genuinely good person

8) You’re turning into the Godly husband I knew you could be

9) You have great taste in sports (except Michigan)

10) You’re a great influence on our on son

11) You’re sense of humor is unlike anything I’ve ever known

12) You’re the best dinosaur hunter

13) You tolerate getting beat up by our son, daily

14) You put up with me

15) You have a cute butt 😉

16) You’re an amazing kisser

17) Your singing voice is pretty epic (esp. after a few drinks)

18) You’re thoughtful

19) You’re caring

20) You’re creative

21) You’re a good sport

22) You’re a pretty good handy man

23) You’re a dreamer

24) You push myself and our son to be the best

25) You are such an animal lover even though our pups drive me nuts

26) You’re the best hide-and-seeker

27) You’re a great writer

28) You’re always helping others

29) You’re an inspiration

30) You’re my best friend

31) You’re a pretty damn good husband

32) You take some great photos

33) Most of my favorite memories are with you

34) You make our house a home

35) You’re always motivating me

36) You spoil me

37) You believe in me

38) Yougave me Braxton and baby #2 (Coming Sept. ’17!)

39) You chose me

I am so fortunate to have been with you for nearly 9 years (married nearly 6). You’ve given me the greatest gifts of all: Braxton and our second miracle baby due this September!

I know that 39 is a scary number, but it’s just that..a number!  You don’t act like you’re 39, and you certainly don’t look like it! Please don’t fear FORTY, because baby you’re getting even better with age!

Happy Birthday, my love! I love you to the moon and back!




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