Happy Anniversary My Love


Happy anniversary my love,

To simply say that I love you doesn’t really begin to express my feelings that I have for you. Our love has truly grown stronger with every passing year.

When we first started dating, we were both young and relatively inexperienced with functional relationships, but before long, we were inseparable and infatuated with each other. We quickly realized that what we had was unlike anything we had ever experienced. We knew it was special, and we were determined to keep what we had.

I don’t tell you this as often as I know I should, but I love you. You made me see that God sends people into our lives for a purpose, and he has sent you into my life to heal my soul and comfort my once broken heart. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you.

I am beyond proud to be your wife. You continue to amaze me year after year with your innate ability to selflessly love me as well as our son. You are one of the strongest, hard-working and caring man I know, and I’m so happy that you will instill such amazing qualities in our son.

I honestly believe that you would do anything for me. You tolerate my shenanigans day in and day out. You deserve a gold trophy for putting up with me for nine months while I was pregnant with our first child even though you said I wasn’t that bad. I think you felt obligated to say that as my husband because after-all you were partially responsible for my condition.

You have supported me through career changes and have continued to encourage and push me to pursue my passion. You have been my number one supporter and cheerleader through thick and thin, never growing weary of my dreams no matter how high they seem. You have undoubtedly been my best friend, coach, rock and my top motivator through it all.

Thank you for believing in me and for pushing me to believe in myself when I cease to believe in myself.

We are on such an amazing and beautiful journey together, and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. We are constantly learning to be better spouses to each other and parents to our most prized possession, Braxton. I love seeing you with him. You make fatherhood look easy, and it’s clear that you adore our son. You are such an amazing father, and he is so blessed to be able to call you ‘daddy’.

Our marriage is far from perfect. We have our flaws and we most certainly have our arguments, but it’s our marriage, they’re our flaws and our arguments.  Each year is getting better and stronger.

Thank you for loving me.

I love you.

Happy Anniversary!

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