Happy Birthday, America!


Our heroes are everywhere. They pass us in the grocery store. They work along side us. They live on the same street. They attend the same Church. These heroes are the men and women of the US Military who courageously fight for our Freedom. These men and women often go unnoticed, unappreciated and forgotten.

Freedom does not know time, as it comes full circle generation after generation.

We must remember our military members sacrifices daily whether they happened many years ago or a short time ago. We must also keep in mind the brave men and women who will make sacrifices for our Freedom in the future.

We are forever indebted to them.

Let us all remember that the 4th of July is more than just the BBQ, beer and fireworks. It’s about the day we  proclaimed that the 13 colonies were now a new Nation–the United States of America, and we no longer were a part of the British empire. Let us praise and honor all of those who have continuously fought and protected our Freedom. Men and women have stood side by side for centuries ensuring that our Freedom is ours, and some have given the ultimate sacrifice along the way-their life.

Make sure to honor those brave souls today and every day! Let us wish America the greatest of Birthdays!

25d32a19c2cbbb7bfa8c2edd33cde1f6Here’s are some throwbacks to Braxton’s first 4th of July!

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