

1 “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”

-Isaiah 60:1-2

It has been one week since my city was attacked. One week since 6 innocent people lost their lives and two more remain in critical condition fighting for their lives. 

It’s been a week, and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the events that transpired. I don’t think that myself, or anyone for that matter, will get the closure they’re seeking. Even if the suspect gives us a reason- a motive, I don’t feel that any motive is a good reason to commit such heinous acts.

The above scripture was shared this evening in Church as we remembered those that were killed and all of those impacted by the events in some capacity from last weekend. Pastor Lee brought up some valid points. He mentioned that instead of living in fear and letting the darkness set in because of the violence that took place in Kalamazoo,  we must be the light and the hope that the people of Kalamazoo want and need. 

Radiant Church’s Mission Statement: “We exist to lead people to become radiant disciples of Jesus Christ”

I love my Church. I love Pastor Lee, and I love Jesus Christ. I am a believer, and I know that Jesus has better plans for those who were taken too soon. I know that I can and I will bring light into the darkness. I will pray for the families and pray for peace, hope, love and unity for Kalamazoo and the residents that reside within it.

As a community, I am amazed at how much Kalamazoo has come together even in darkness. I should clarify that my surprise is not that I thought Kalamazoo wouldn’t come together, but more with the extent of how much the community has really truly united in support of all those impacted. We see violence all the time happening in other areas of the World, but when it hits in your own backyard, you’re shocked, almost paralyzed in fear. Kalamazoo has proved to me the many reasons why I live here and choose to raise my son here.

The community has united to end the violence. The community has united to support the victims and their families.  People have put aside their differences and stood side by side showing their support for all the victims, the families of the victims and for everyone else in the community.

#KalamazooStrong and #Kalamazoo is trending on every social media platform. Last weekend Kalamazoo was trending for all of the wrong reasons, but a week later, it’s trending for all the right reasons. 

There have been GoFundMe accounts created to help the victims and their families. There have been vigils and public prayer gatherings held throughout Kalamazoo almost every day since the shootings. Everyone is doing their part in helping the community heal. It’s so inspiring.

One of the most important takeaways I have gathered from this tragedy is that…

“Light always overcomes darkness.”

Here are some of the many things the community is doing to replace the darkness with light and hope.



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