Mother’s Day & Braxton’s Dedication

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” -Rajneesh

Happy Mother’s Day to all those mothers out there as well as those future mothers.


This year has been a great Mother’s Day. Last year can never be topped because it was my FIRST Mother’s Day, but this year is close. Jason and I made the decision to have Braxton dedicated at Church which means that as parents we will do our best to raise our son in the Lord’s honor. We will raise him in a way that reflects God’s glory. We were called up in front of the congregation and they blessed our son, ourselves and our family and friends who were present for his dedication. It was amazing. I cannot even express how much it meant to have Jason there beside me as we dedicated our sweet boy. What a memory. Fortunately for us, we also had some family and friends also present who helped make the moment even more special.

The service in itself was amazing. It really struck close to home for us as we struggled to become parents and as Pastor Lee honored the mothers, I couldn’t help but feel bad for all those yet to become mother’s who have been trying. As a woman who struggled with infertility, I am aware of several others who had trouble conceiving as well. My heart aches for them. We were fortunate to have our son after a two year battle, and we will most likely have a hard time conceiving for baby #2. I know that everything is in God’s hands, and I pray that he blesses those woman and their spouses with a child sooner rather than later. I also understand that his timing may be different than ours, but also very important. One of the stories that Pastor Lee spoke of was a story that when I read it in the Bible pulled on my heart strings.


Hannah had prayed and prayed to have a child, so much so that people assumed she was a drunk because when she prayed, no sound came out. She was speaking from the heart, and screamed out to the Lord.

“O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head.” (1 Samuel 1:11)

The story goes that after Eli realized that she was indeed not drunk, he told Hannah to go in peace and he prayed that the Lord would grant her request. Hannah no longer was upset and soon after she was with child. She named him Samuel which means “asked of God” and promised to raise him to serve the Lord.

As someone who prayed and prayed to God for a child, this story is a favorite of mine. I learned that through patience, tears, prayers, perseverance and the loving support of my husband, the wait was worth it. Being able to be a mother is the most amazing thing in the world.

My prayers for all those that have yet to become a Mother is that they pray. Never cease in your faith. There is a plan for you so much larger then you could ever comprehend. It’s intricate and complicated, yet beautiful and unique. No two plans are the same. God’s plan for you is a blessing no matter what the journey entails.

Stay strong. Your prayers will be answered. HE is listening.



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