Out with the Old, In with the New

2018 was a year that tested my faith, my obedience, my marriage and my sanity. It was a year of challenges, of growth and a year that I’ve learned the most thus far in my 32 year of life.

I didn’t enjoy most of the year to be quite honest, because I was wishing it away. Or rather I wanted time to speed up to August when my youngest son would be receiving his  cochlear implant surgery. A few weeks following the surgery, he’d finally have the ability to hear after more than a year of not being able to hear. Sometimes I feel guilty for wishing the better part of 2018 away (which also included my son’s first birthday), but I’m so thankful for the support system we had in place who prayed for us throughout the year.

It was just an incredibly busy year filled with doctors appointments, work events, writing, family functions and just the busyness of parenthood. I’ve never been more exhausted. I think my husband will agree that it’s been a long year with little rest.

We’re looking forward to 2019, as it’s sure to be a bit more slow. Beckett is hearing and his speech therapy is going great. Braxton will be starting kindergarten in the Fall. Both of our careers are going well. We have our goals outlined and planned. We are content with closing the door on 2018 and welcoming 2019 with open arms.

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year” – Verna McLellan

In 2019, I will choose to say “No” more, so that I can say “Yes” to what really matters most to myself and my family.  This year, I will choose rest more than letting the busyness of life interfere with my family and our goals. I will remove those from my life that add chaos and drama to it. I will hold those close to me who choose to be a part of our lives and let go of those who choose to be distant. I will do what is right for my family and support them in their endeavors. I will remove those from my life who chose to not support my family’s goals and aspirations. There is no room in our lives for those who want to see others fail. I will choose to love, yet not wear my emotions on my sleeve. I’ll be more present than consumed with social media and my phone. I’ll build my faith with my family and give back when we are able. This year is my family’s year of growth. It’s our year for breakthrough. It’s our year for exponential results. This is our year.


Every year, I make a list of goals. Here are some of my main goals.

  1. Learn conversational ASL
  2. Publish my second children’s book
  3. Grow and monetize my blog
  4. Lose 10 lbs of fat, but gain 10 lbs of muscle
  5. Pray at every meal and before bedtime with the boys
  6. 30 minutes minimum of reading/crafting/educational activity every day
  7. Read 12-15 books
  8. Finish my second novel
  9. Workout 4-5 times/week
  10. Run my second 1/2 marathon
  11. 2 date nights/month
  12. Pay off a big chunk of debt
  13. Re-do our kitchen
  14. Meditate once a day
  15. Do more yoga
  16. Make some new friends
  17. Travel someplace I’ve never been
  18. Grow in my career
  19. Be more patient
  20. Give back as much as possible
  21. Read the Bible (again)
  22. Grow my business
  23. Spend more time outside
  24. Budget
  25. Work towards being a Minimalist


Here is a list of 25 books I’m interested in reading this year.

  1. I’ll be Gone in the Dark- Michelle McNamara
  2. The Iliad & The Odyssey- Homer
  3. Girl, Stop Apologizing- Rachel Hollis
  4. Into the Water- Paula Hawkins
  5. The Hate U Give-Angie Thomas
  6. On the Come Up- Angie Thomas
  7. Era of Ignition: Coming of Age in a Time of Rage and Revolution- Amber Tamblyn
  8. The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose- Oprah Winfrey
  9. City of Girls- Elizabeth Gilbert
  10. Becoming- Michelle Obama
  11. Less- Andrew Sean Greer
  12. High Performance Habits- Brendon Burchard
  13. Wheat Belly- William Davis
  14. Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear- Elizabeth Gilbert
  15. The Woman in the Window- A.J. Finn
  16. Circe- Madeline Miller
  17. The President is Missing- James Patterson and Bill Clinton
  18. In Extremis: The Life and Death of War Corespondent Marie Colvin- Lindsey Hilsum
  19. Yes We (Still) Can: Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter and Trump- Dan Pfeiffer
  20. The Case for Christ- Lee Strobel
  21. Beautiful Outlaw: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus- John Eldredge

  22. Leaders Eat Last- Simon Sinek
  23. Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health- Dr. Caroline Leaf

  24. The 6 Keys: Unlock Your Genetic Potential for Ageless Strength, Health, and Beauty-Jillian Michaels

  25. The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life-Joshua Becker


I’m looking forward to a New Year more than ever. 2018 was a bit of a blur, and I’m ready for a bit of rest, more time to spend with family and an incredible breakthrough. I’m ready to check off these goals and be the best that I can be for myself and my family.

Cheers to 2019! Peace out 2018!

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