
I was struggling this weekend. My kids were being terrible. I wasn’t feeling the greatest. I had a really long week, and I was dealing with a sick kid. On top of it all, my husband was working all weekend, and quite frankly I was feeling kind of sorry for myself. I wanted a break from it all..motherhood, name it.


But then I heard the news of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna (along with the others) who were killed in the tragic helicopter crash Sunday afternoon, and it put everything into perspective.

Suddenly, I couldn’t even keep it together long enough to get through an article or a post covering the tragic news. My momma heart broke for Vanessa Bryant who just lost not only her husband but also a daughter. Then my mind immediately thought about Kobe’s final moments on that helicopter trying to console his terrified daughter knowing it was their final moments together, alive.

A parent’s literal worst fear played out in real time for Kobe, and there was nothing he could do to keep his baby safe. The kind of loss that no mother wants to endure or should have to endure, Vanessa has endured. I couldn’t even fathom that kind of moment playing out in real time. They very though brings tears to my eyes.

A loss that I know nothing about and I pray I never have too. Yesterday put my rather crap weekend into perspective. Things can always be worse. Far, far worse.

I think we all lose sight of that fact from time to time. We get lost in the trenches of parenthood, and we lose sight of the fact that parenthood is truly a blessing. Our kids are blessings to us and even though they are little terrors from time to time, they’re blessings, we shouldn’t take them for granted, because they can be gone in an instant.

The commonality we all have through this is that we grieve and mourn alongside each other. Let us ALL continue to pray and lift up the Bryant family and the other families involved in the devastating accident yesterday. Hold them tightly, wrap them in comfort, heal their broken hearts and give them strength to overcome this insurmountable loss.




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