
The Top Summit Conference

This year, a new conference was rolled out. It’s called Top Summit, and it was created to bring speakers, influencers and trainers through different industries and expertise to come together for an intimate VIP experience. Those in attendance find themselves immersed in an environment meant to help attendees take their network marketing business to a whole new level.

This year, Top Summit, was held at Mackinac Island at the famous Grand Hotel. It brought in some high profile motivational speakers with their keynote speaker being Rachel Hollis, 2 x #1 New York Times Bestselling author, top motivational speaker, top podcast host and founder and COO of the Hollis Company.

Here is the complete list of speakers, emcees and panelists:

  • Rachel Hollis
  • Ty Bennett
  • Angel Fletcher
  • Bob Tagatz
  • Tim Sales
  • Frazer Brookes
  • Ian Pruckner
  • Courtney Epps
  • Ray Higdon
  • Cheri Tree
  • Jason Brown
  • Rob Sperry
  • Tim Farrant
  • Natasha Roberson
  • Meagan Williams
  • Kevin Mullens
  • Beckie Farrant
  • Chris Holder
  • Edna Stephens
  • Holly Lo
  • Kimberly Olson
  • Aaron Aponte
  • Brooke Brewer
  • Greg Dieker
  • Pamela Chanel David
  • Kara Deringer
  • Jessica Green
  • Shylo Ecktrom

Here are a few of the best things I took away from some of the speakers. I did miss a few of the speakers due to having to leave the conference early.


First and foremost, I was definitely there for Rachel Hollis, so she’s the one I got the most out of. But, I was able to personally meet her and ask her a question during the conference, which by the amount of women who approached me following the session appreciated the vulnerability in that question.

Here are some quotes from Rachel Hollis:

Show in this space as your authentic space.

Don’t struggle and drown, ask for help.

Excellence is a choice you need o choose each and every day.

Be honest with where you’re at.

How much energy are you wasting by gathering other information?

Don’t compare your beginning to someone’s middle.

The price of your new life comes at the expense of your old life.

You are capable. You are fierce. You are strong. Start acting like it.

She was absolute fire, and it was clear that everyone related to something she said. She is so genuine, and truly wants to help people succeed. To learn more about Rachel Hollis, visit her website.


Ty spoke on the idea of storytelling, and how it helps people take action. He spoke about how storytelling  result in trust, resonates with people, shows one’s authentic self and trigger emotions. Most people, if not all, buy based on emotion. He demonstrated his version of storytelling and also shared that there are three elements of a good story:

  1. Mindset
  2. Skill set
  3. Tool-set

Mindset is the idea of shifting the conversation and realizing that our contribution is not about us, but rather our clients. Your focus should be on the audience and you need to focus on engaging with people through relate-ability and credibility. Also, people tend to do business with those they know, like, trust and value.

Skillet focuses on bringing the audience int the story by creating curiosity, placing them into a scene and reinforcing relate-ability.

The tool-set focuses on the dialogue and how the story is brought to life.

Whoever tells the story wins.

Ty is the author of several books and has a podcast called Relevant Leadership. To learn more about Ty Bennet, visit his website.

PANEL #1 (Jason Brown, Jessica Green, Aaron Aponte, Shiloh Eckstrom and Brooke Brewer)

These panelists spoke a lot about leadership. Some of the key take-aways for me include:

  • Show up regardless
  • Continue to show up even when you don’t want too
  • Guide and challenge others
  • Guide people to find themselves
  • Find a tribe
  • Take care of yourself
  • You can’t serve your team 100%  without taking care of yourself first
  • Cut out stuff holding you back
  • Commit to your mission
  • Understand you’re not perfect


Ray covered the importance of cleaning up the past in order to move forward into the future. His story was inspiring and he said a lot of things that resonated with everyone.

  • Three things he added to his routine:
    • Go for Now-book
    • Posted a video a day
    • Self-development every day
  • If you’ve been through crap or are currently going through crap, it’s your responsibility to share the crap with others
  • Be vulnerable
  • Quitting won’t speed things up
  • Obstacles will force you into the person who is supposed to be on top of the mountain
  • You have to be willing to keep showing up
  • Be coach-able. Find a mentor. Invest in yourself

To learn more about Ray Higdon, visit his website.


Cheri was a very interesting speaker. Very engaging and funny. Her product was interesting, and the science behind it is mind-blowing. There’s no doubt that her product will help people make more sales in their respected industries. Cheri claims that she has CRACKED THE CODE to selling. Here are a few take-aways.

  • Sales is NOT a Number’s Game, it’s a PEOPLE game
  • Stop taking advice from people more messed up than yourself
  • Selling is only an art if there is a science
  • Truly understand the cost of “No”

To learn more about Cheri Tree, check our her website.

PANEL #2 (Courtney Epps, Pamela Chanel David, Kara Deringer and Chris Holder)

These panelists spoke about why top earners go broke. Here are some key take-aways:

  • Truly understand the ins and outs of the business you’re in
  • Give 100% work ethic all of the time
  • Make yourself relate-able
  • Hire an accountant
  • Set aside your attachment to people and focus on people
  • Have a diversification of income
  • Get congruent with your goals
  • Take a look at who you surround yourself with
    • create a tribe of reliable, supportive people who will help you secure a better future


Jason’s story is unique and inspiring as well. He’s young, he’s hungry and he has a story to tell. Here are some take-aways.

  • Stop focusing on money and shift your focus towards your legacy
  • Think less, do more
  • Find influential people and learn from them
  • Start small, and make sure to appreciate the small
  • Be brutal about expanding other’s expectations
  • Treat people like people
  • Always be a creator
  • Don’t feel guilty about success
  • Believe in your intention
  • Be conscientious of those who you are around and what you listen too


Rob opened up with a bold question asking the audience if they were a survivor, victim or conqueror. He followed that questions with “What’s the most traumatic experience you’ve had in your life?”

He told us a heartbreaking story of an automobile accident himself, his three siblings and father were in that killed his younger brother.

Here are some take-aways:

  • Don’t be a victim of your past
  • You’re surviving if you’re only focused on the future, be present.
  • People judge others by their actions
  • Most of us are fake working. Stop fake working
  • Find a mentor and accountability partner
  • Everything worth while takes time
  • Die with memories, not with dreams
  • Does your why match your actions
  • Don’t let your paycheck define you

To learn more about Rob Sperry, check out his website.


Reggie is the co-founder of the Top Summit conference, and let me start by saying that he is amazing. Literally, he is genuine and sincere and really wants to help others be successful.  He has a book, available here, that is titled: The Art of the Struggle: The 5 Incontrovertible Laws for Transformation, Success and Fulfillment. Within it, Flower’s discusses  the laws of embracement, engagement, equipping, empowerment and elevation. He did a great job of pulling together amazing entrepreneurs, authors and speakers. I highly recommend connecting and networking with Reggie. He is phenomenal.


The venue they chose for their conference was perfect. They chose the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. I’ve been to Mackinac Island several times prior to the conference but I had never been inside the Grand Hotel. The history and beauty of the hotel made for a perfect backdrop to the conference. Included in registration was a pass for lunch for both full days of the conference. Lunch was fantastic and consisted of a magnificent buffet filled with decadently prepared and beautiful displayed. They not only looked picturesque, but everything tasted delicious.

Overall, this conference was well worth it. The venue, the speakers and experience were top notch. I walked away with some invaluable insight into marketing, networking and entrepreneurship. Plus, I made a ton of friends in the process.

Cheers to Top Summit 2020 in Naples, FL. Register here. Featured speakers will be Danelle Delgado and Cheri Tree.

See you at the Top.


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