The Working Mother

As a new mother, I feel as though my life has become 100x busier. I work a normal 8am-5pm work day with a work out during lunch, then pick Brax up from daycare only to return home and do more work. Whether it’s cleaning the house, cooking, working on my books or studying, I feel like I can’t accomplish near as much as I had hoped too because I’m a full-time mom, too! Working opposite schedules from my husband has definitely thrown a thorn into this whole ‘parenting’ thing as well as creating a near impossible work-home life balance. I’m really pursuing some of my dreams and by furthering my studies, I know I will get there BUT trying to find time between work and home life for studying has proven to be a struggle. I haven’t got a clue how moms do it sometimes as it is definitely not easy being a working mom. I love the challenge associated with it, but also miss the little bit of free time I had before becoming a mom. Welcome to parenthood, Dani 🙂
Moms, any advice?!


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