Top 10 Books on ADHD for Parents

Once a parent receives an ADHD diagnosis for their child, they’re forced to delve into what it all means for themselves, their family and their newly diagnosed ADHD child. Since there is no manual or guidebook for being a parent of an ADHD child, much of the research is put on the parent’s shoulder. It can be daunting, frustrating and down-right overwhelming to start the task of understanding all that ADHD entails, but it’s imperative to understand exactly what your child is dealing with.

Here are some books which will create the greatest impact for parents of children with ADHD.

Parenting ADHD Now!: Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD

The authors of this book combines their practical know-how with their professional expertise to offer actionable, immediate strategies that parents can use to guide and support their ADHD child effectively, yet compassionately.

The book is divided into three main concepts: Apply the Coach-Approach to Parenting, Use Real, Practical Strategies and Focus on the Parent. By focusing and working through these concepts, a parent is able to dramatically improve their ADHD child’s life. Understand healthy limits while being compassionate and accepting of your child and their diagnosis.

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life

This book helps you understand, as a parent, to better understand how to motivate and engage your child, while empowering them with the tools to better cope and stay on track when dealing with everyday issues like homework, chores, and other extracurricular activities.
Topics discussed within include tackling every day challenges, academic struggles and setting mutual goals.

12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD

This book outlines 12 key parenting principles for dealing with the common behavioral, emotional and school challenges often associated with those who struggle with ADHD. He combines acceptance and compassion with the understanding of the executive functions deficits  of ADHD allowing you to have a loving connection with your child. Help your family thrive with these practices.

The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children 

Dr. Greene provides an insightful framework for understanding their difficulties based on his research in the neurosciences. He goes into detail on why traditional parenting and treatment often do not work with easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children. Within his text, he describes what can be done instead.

Thriving with ADHD Workbook for Kids: 60 Fun Activities to Help Children Self-Regulate, Focus, and Succeed

With this books help, your child will learn to reframe the way they think about ADHD and thus learn to discover their own unique talents. These fun activities will engage their busy minds and offer a strength-based approach to help your child gain a better understanding of themselves, their ADHD and things your child can do to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

This book outlines the overview of ADHD, provides skill-building exercises and provides action-oriented learning.

What to Expect When Parenting Children with ADHD: A 9-step plan to master the struggles and triumphs of parenting a child with ADHD

This book offers a 9-step plan to help tame the chaos and try to control the struggles by transforming them into triumphs. Readers are steered through methodically learning their child’s behaviors, strengths and weaknesses and how to better use that information to better the life of the child with ADHD and their family.

The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, 3rd edition: The Ultimate Guide to the Most Effective Diets — What they are – Why they work – How to do them

This cookbook provides an expanded view of the most commonly used diets that are important in the treatment of ADHD and autism. With detailed details on why each diet works, this book specifically covers gluten free, casein and soy-free, anti-inflammatory diet, feingold diet (low phenol, low salicylate diet), specific carbohydrate diet, and so many more!

No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind Paperback

Authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions and turn meltdowns into an opportunity of growth, which helps bring the cycle of negative behavior to a halt through problem solving. This guide helps parents discover strategies on identifying their own discipline philosophy and master the best methods of communications with meaningful lessons. It also shares facts on a child’s brain developments, provides ways to calmly and lovingly connect with a child, no matter their behavior and how to navigate your child through a tantrum while helping them achieve insight and provide empathy.  Lastly, it provides 20 discipline mistakes that every parents tends to make and ways on how to combat those.


Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection–Not Punishment–to Raise Confident, Capable Kids

This book helps debunk common myths about punishment, rewards and more while sharing connection-based techniques that really work by bring parents and kids together, rather than apart. Topics include setting, and enforcing boundaries and limits with compassion and respect. It helps individuals focus on connection and positivity, breaking the cycle of shaming and blaming and also provides insight into how to better work with teachers and caregivers.

The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD (Survival Guides for Kids)

This book helps kids diagnosed with ADHD to better equip them for success in school, home and also helps to form healthy, enjoyable relationships with their peers. This book helps kids know that they’re not alone, and it offers practical strategies for taking care of themselves, modifying their behavior, genuinly enjoying school and more! Kids get straightforward tools to help them thrive.

These books provide fantastic insight on those living with ADHD as well as their families. They provide practical, calm approaches on how to deal with tantrums, challenges, emotions and more, so if you’re a parent of a child with ADHD, we encourage you to check out these books to better educate and obtain knowledge on how to cope with ADHD and support your child.

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