What Your Entrepreneur Friends Want You to Know

We all have that crazy talented friends that makes that badass homemade craft or takes crazy beautiful photos. They inspire us and leave us in awe, but we’re left at a loss of how to support them and their endeavors. It’s so much easier than you think to support them and their small business.What your Entrepreneur Friends Wants you to Know.png

Did you know that every entrepreneur is sacrificing something to do what they are passionate about? Whether it be sleep, time with their family and and friends or something else. They have literally taken a giant leap of faith in their product or service, and I don’t share this as a means to get pity for those pursuing their dreams, but rather to share with you ways to support them even if it can’t be financially. Entrepreneur’s business means everything to them.

As an entrepreneur myself, I’m honest when I tell you that my feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t buy and use my services or if you don’t read my blog. I have thick skin, so I can handle it. Us entrepreneurs are all looking to grow our business, but we don’t want to bully or guilt people into buying something just for the sale and support.

This isn’t just for those that create things, or blog or shoot gorgeous photos. I have other entrepreneur friends who sell other products such as BeachBody, Rodan & Fields or Usborne. The list could literally go on and on. They’re hustling to make a living and fulfill their dream by doing something they love.

One of the EASIEST ways to support a small business and entrepreneur friend is by through social media.

Social Media

It’s free and it doesn’t take much time.

Your entrepreneur friend is struggling desperately  to gain traction on social media especially because social media platforms has made significant changes to their algorithms to limit business page reach. Basically, that leaves small business owners grasping for straws. Social media platforms are trying to push business owners to buy their ads in order for them to get their content out.

By simply loving on our content, you’re telling all of us entrepreneurs that you support us and let us know that what we’re doing is all worth it.

We all have that one friend that post a million times a day to the point that you feel that the only thing you’re seeing is something they threw together. You’re annoyed that you start hiding their content and they then become an “invisible” friend.

I get it. I’ve done the same thing before. We try to now be that friend, but I’m trying to realize it’s them just trying to push their side hustle, which is exactly what I’m trying to do.

Photo by Tim Bennett on Unsplash

Share our Content

When you share our content, you make our struggle a little easier by helping us ‘beat the system aka “algorithm content blocker” and expand our reach without paying hundreds of dollars a week for an ad.

I secretly jump for joy when my family and friends share my content.I might not individually thank everyone that shares my content, but that one share literally means so much more than you could ever know.

You’ll be amazed at how one share leads to 50 or 100 page views by new guests.  That may not seem like a lot, but for someone just starting out, that is HUGE.


Send Us a Message

Some of the best support I have received from people were just through simple messages. I’ve been thanked for being open about infertility, or motherhood or marriage. People relate to the things I write and share and then thank me for being open and giving them courage to also speak of their circumstances.

Messages have made me cry and have reassured me that what I’m doing is truly worth the time, energy and resources I put into it.

This is why I write. This is why I share with my readers things that are tough. I am real, and I try to help others every day.

I might not be able to make a living from writing, but I can for damn sure make a difference in someones life. That’s what keeps me going!!

Even if you aren’t looking for products for weight loss, let your friend know she’s looking great and how inspiring she is. Tell your jewelry maker friend how talented and creative she is. Encourage your entrepreneur friends. It helps them keep going!



Most entrepreneurs have a list that helps us to stay in touch with our followers. Since social media makes it so hard for our content to be visible, we oftentimes rely on subscriptions and sign-ups to help us.

For example, on my blog I have a subscribe button that allows your to receive my email newsletter. Subscribe and sign up. It costs you nothing, but shows us that you support us.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash


Understand their Business and be an Advocate

Take the time to ask your entrepreneur friend more about their business. Learn about their products and services. Understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. You’ll never know when you might be chatting with a friend looking for a photographer or unique jewelry. Be an advocate for them.

I have a friend who owns a construction company, and every time someone asks for construction referrals, I tag his business and provide his contact info. Be a supporter. Help your talented friends by referring them and truly understanding what they do.


Allow your Entrepreneur Friend Grace

We’re always working. Always.

I won’t sit here and try to argue that it’s healthy to work 24/7, but we’re dreams. We have a goal in mind and nothing is going to stop us from achieving it.

Recently, I underwent a pretty serious surgery that required me to really take time off. It was hard for me to take time for me, so please understand the very real stress associated with stepping away from our businesses.

Most entrepreneurs don’t have a tine of free time, but we still want you to invite us out for a glass of wine or invite us to that highly anticipated movie sequel we’ve all been looking forward to seeing. Yes, we might say no, but we might not. It’s the thought.

Many friends don’t understand my obession with success or that of being a dream chaser. They don’t understand how hard I’m working on a daily basis.

Some days, I’m literally working from sun-up to sun-down. Not only do I have a full-time career, but I have several side hustles, 2 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 fish and a hubby to make time for.

I’m busy. Probably too busy. But I’m ok with it.  

I’m constantly planning my next step.

So, I ask that you’re patient with us. Don’t throw in the towel on us. We’re here. We’re not ignoring you.

A real friend should understand. Even if it means being a bit more absent.


Invest in Them

Last but not least, supporting your friend doesn’t necessary mean spending money, but if you’re considering losing weight, reach out to you weigh loss entrepreneur. If you’re looking for a unique birthday present, reach out to your girlfriend who makes the bomb earrings.

You don’t have to drop a ton of money, but keep them in mind and give them a shot of earning your business.

Support a small business and entrepreneur friend whenever you’re able.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. Not at all. We pour blood, sweat, tears, hope and prayers into our dreams daily. We cross our fingers and our toes and pray that the stars are in our favor, yet sometimes that’s not enough. 

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Every little thing that you do to support your entrepreneur friends helps more than you can imagine.

Thanks for all the support.

xo, Danielle

28 responses to “What Your Entrepreneur Friends Want You to Know”

  1. Samantha Flores Avatar

    Seriously loved reading this! Entrepreneurship is so hard. We definitely are battling against social media and feels like a no-win battle. But I’m happy with the support my subscribers give me! Good luck to you!
    *Samantha- https://herjournal.blog

  2. Jasmeet Singh Avatar

    Wow you pretty much summed it up. Entrepreneurship is a way of living. Its tough but satisfying. And while travelling on this road a lot of sacrifices are made. But that one email telling you or anyone about how it solved a problem and the user is happy makes the day better. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Danielle Jones Avatar

      thanks for reading πŸ™‚

  3. Style High Guy Avatar

    This post is really inspiring. How much better it could be if we all built and raised eachother? Great food for thought thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

    1. Danielle Jones Avatar

      Right?! Seems easy enough!

  4. Abu Zaid Avatar

    “Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy” that part of your article that i like and i will remember