
Why One Should Consider Donating their Unused Embryos

A few years back, we shared with everyone that we had donated our embryos to a wonderful family in Iowa. They went through treatment with our fertility clinic leading to beautiful twin girls. Fast forward to about a year ago when our embryo donation recipients decided they were done after adding another addition to their family after the twin. Together, we decided to donate the remaining embryos to another deserving family. After updating our profile to include updated details about our family and also the twin’s family, we started receiving applicants. Fortunately, it didn’t take us long to find the perfect family. We selected a God-loving, inspiring family from Tennessee to receive the remaining embryos, and lo and behold once they went through their treatment, they got pregnant! Yesterday, they shared with the gender of their miracle baby.

It’s a GIRL! We’ve donated twice now, and it’s resulted in THREE GIRLS! How cool is that?!

That all said, I wanted to share why we decided that embryo donation was right for us. 

Donating unused embryos is a topic that has been gaining attention in recent years. While it can be a difficult decision for some couples to make, donating unused embryos can provide hope and opportunity for others struggling with infertility. In this blog post, we will discuss why you might consider donating their unused embryos.

  1. Helping Others: One of the main reasons donors might consider donating their unused embryos is the opportunity to help others. Many couples struggle with infertility and are unable to conceive naturally. By donating their unused embryos, donors can provide these couples with the chance to experience the joys (and exhaustion) of parenthood. It’s a selfless act that can have a profound impact on the lives of others.
  2. Avoiding Discarding Embryos: Another reason donors might consider donating their unused embryos is to avoid discarding them. Many couples who undergo IVF treatments end up with unused embryos. These embryos are often frozen and stored for future use, but some couples may not wish to use them. In such cases, donors may be faced with the difficult decision of what to do with their unused embryos. Donating them can provide a viable option that avoids the need for discarding them. Destroying our unused embryos was never an option for us.
  3. Ethical Considerations: Donating unused embryos can also be a decision that is rooted in ethical considerations. Some couples may have moral or religious objections to discarding their unused embryos. Donating them can provide a way to honor their beliefs and values.
  4. Providing a Genetic Connection: For some donors, the opportunity to provide a genetic connection to their child can be a motivating factor for donating their unused embryos. By donating their embryos, donors can help another couple create a family with a biological connection to their child. When we went through our embryo donation process, the families and us decided for an open adoption. Meaning that if the children want to someday meet each other, they can do that. Additionally, my husband and I receive little updates here and there. We have a great relationship with both recipient families.

In conclusion, donating unused embryos can be a difficult decision for donors to make. However, it can also be a selfless act that provides hope and opportunity for others struggling with infertility. Donors may consider donating their unused embryos to help others, avoid discarding embryos, honor their beliefs,  or provide a genetic connection.  Ultimately, the decision to donate unused embryos is a personal one that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with medical professionals and loved ones.

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