10 Natural Oily Skin At-Home Remedies

Oily skin is an unfortunately common issue for men and women. Those who suffer from oily skin typically have shinier skin and larger, visible pores.  Oil and grime associated with oily skin can cause blackheads, whiteheads,and acne along with other skin irritations. One can get oily skin due to their sebaceous glands which can become over-active leading to an over-production of sebum leading to the shiny, greasy-looking face along with the skin issues.

Cause of oily skin can also be due to stress, hormonal changes, genetics and diet. Women tend to be more prone to oily skins around the time of pregnancy, their menstrual cycles, menopause and while being on birth control.

Although oily skin is less prone to suffering from wrinkles and other signs of aging, which is some good news, those who suffer from extremely oily skin can check out these natural at-home remedies to give skin the desired look.

Photo by Adrian Motroc on Unsplash


Milk has simple, healing properties that will combat your oily skin because it helps the unwanted oily bacteria from clogging your pores. Simply soak a cotton ball in milk and wipe your face with it twice a day.

Turmeric and Sandalwood

A paste consisting of turmeric and sandalwood can help help combat oily skin. Add a bit of water or lemon to the paste before applying. Leave the mixture on your face for at least an hour before washing off of your face.

Lemon and Egg Yolk

A mixture of egg yolk and lemon juice is a perfect cure for oily skin.  Egg whites are high in vitamins that that help combat the oil and tighten the skin. Lemon can help fix pH levels that can help to balance the skin as well as remove dark spots. Whip the egg white with lemon and let it set on your face for 10-15 minutes before washing off.


Honey is one of nature’s best kept secrets for skin care because of it’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps combat oily and acne prone skin. Honey helps the skin to remain soft without causing oily skin. Simply spread a thin layer of honey, preferably raw, onto your face and let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.


Cucumbers are high in vitamin A and E as well as potassium and magnesium which are all great for combating oily skin. Cut the cucumber into ring slices and place on your face for an hour before washing your face with warm water.

Neem Leaves

Boil some neem leaves in water then let the extract cool before applying to your face. Neem leaves contains vitamin E and is also rich in healthy fatty acids which helps cracked, dry skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is pretty much deemed the cure-all for any dermatology-related issue including acne, rash and burns to name a few. You can grow this plant in your home and use when needed. Spread aloe vera on your face and let set for at least 20 minutes before washing off. You can even leave a bit on as a natural moisturizer as well.


Oatmeal helps calm inflamed skin and helps to absorb excess oil while exfoliating any dead skin.  Oatmeal can be combined with other natural items to further help combat oily skin such as yogurt, mashed banana, apples and papaya as well as honey. Simply combined a 1/2 cup of ground oats to hot water for form a paste. Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey and spread onto face. Let it stand for 5 minutes before rinsing with warm water.


The high levels of vitamin C is an easy choice with a ton of benefits that helps with collagen production, blood flow and allows for vitamin C to be adsorbed easier. If you use orange essential oil, the antiseptic  and anti-inflammatory properties make for an ideal skin care routine.


Ground almonds work magic to help exfoliate while absorbing excess oils and impurities from your skin. Simply ground almonds until you have ground approximately 3 teaspoons and then combine 2 teaspoons of raw honey. Apply to your face, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Although having these natural remedies at your disposal is nice, there are things that can be done to prevent oil skin. Avoid unhealthy foods and maintain a consistent skin care routine can both help combat oily skin. Avoid using heavy make-up to cover up oily skin as this can make the condition worse. Try water-based products of oil-based, this might also minimize oily skin.

It’s also important to mention that if a home remedy worsens symptoms, stop using it immediately and contact your dermatologist. Worsening skin conditions can lead to scarring, infections and additional skin conditions.


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