41 Things I love about my Husband

My fabulous husband turns 41 (this is his FAVORITE number) this week, and in honor of celebrating him and the amazing man that he is, I thought I’d share 41 things I love about him.


Without further adieu….

Dearest husband, here are 41 things I love about you.

  1. Your dashing good looks
  2. Your smile
  3. Your wittiness
  4. Your sensitivity
  5. Your kisses
  6. Your Hugs
  7. You’re an amazing father
  8. Your unwavering support
  9. Your ability to turn every negative situation into a positive one
  10. The way you keep me grounded
  11. Your innate ability to make me laugh when you know I need it
  12. The way you play with our sons
  13. Your entrepreneurial mind
  14. Your sense of adventure
  15. Your work ethic
  16. Your cuddles
  17. Your bad dad jokes
  18. How you can never finish telling a joke without laughing
  19. How much you’ve taught me
  20. Your courage, even in the face of adversity
  21. Your love and devotion to your family
  22. Your wiliness to drop everything in order to help someone else
  23. Your wanting to put others before yourself
  24. Your confidence
  25. Your muscles
  26. How you can laugh at yourself
  27. How you’re always there for me when I need you most
  28. Your boldness
  29. For being my best friend
  30. For allowing the boys to beat you up, daily.
  31. For encouraging me and entertaining my new ideas
  32. For taking me on dates
  33. Your zest for life
  34. Your random PDA
  35. Your truthfulness
  36. Your loyalty
  37. You chose me, and you continue to chose me
  38. You bravely listen to my complaints and offer suggestions/advice
  39. You understand me
  40. You accept my apologies quickly
  41. You love me for me

Wishing my hubby an amazing birthday and a year filled with joy, adventure and love.