8 Car Seat Guidelines You Need to Know

Car seats are an engineering masterpieces, and when they are properly utilized, they keep our children safe. There have been great improvements year after year, but even with the improvements, there are still many things parents need to understand about car seats.


Use them Only in the Car

Car seats are safest while being used in a car, but once your baby leaves the vehicle, that changes things.

Car seats are not a safe place for your child to sleep. Babies who sleep in car seats are at risk for something calling positional asphyxia which basically means that the way the child is sitting actually blocks their airway.

Whoever is in the care of your child should know that your child should not remain in the car seat to nap, ever.

Minimize the time your Baby is in the Car Seat

For babies less than a month old, it’s recommended that you minimize the amount of lengths your baby is in their car seat.

No Winter Coats

It’s noted by many researchers and safety experts that bulky coats and snowsuits can actually compress in a car  crash which leaves the straps too lose to keep children safe in their seat.

It’s recommended to layer your child in layers rather than placing them in their car seat with bulky coats.

Be Mindful of Minimums and Maximum Weights

Adhere to your child’s car seat weight guidelines. Each car seat is designed to support certain weights, and in order to ensure your child’s safety, it’s important to follow them to a tee.

Proper Installation

Car seats are tricky to install, and it’s important that new parents and those caring for the infant learn how to properly install the car seat. Most fire departments offer free car seat safety checks. Utilize those resources. It could be the difference between life and death.

Don’t Compromise the Warranty

Most after-market accessories can actually void the car seat warranty, so try to avoid pillows, additional support straps, toys etc. These additions can also put your baby’s well-being at risk.

Rear-Face as Long as Possible

There is no argument that rear-facing is the safest position for your child to be in. Your child’s size decides whether they are ready to transition to forward-seating NOT their age. Most rear-facing car seats can accommodate up to 65 pounds, so your child should comfortably sit rear-facing for quite some time.

Use as Directed without Digressing

Always use your child’s car seat as directed. Follow diagrams for installation, safety precautions, tips and always use the additional resources you have to keep your child safe. If the LATCH system is appropriate for your child and their seat, use it. Use a top tether strap if possible. It adds additional safety measures.

Car seat safety is so incredibly important for the well-being of your child. Follow certain measures, such as the ones listed above, because it could literally be the difference between life and death. If you have additional questions, there should be local resources available to help.

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