
8 Tips For Staying Productive When Working Remotely

Most of us are working remotely these days, and we might end up doing this for quite some time due to this Coronavirus (COVID-19). Unfortunately for some, there are some individuals who struggle to maintain productivity while working remotely due to distractions. Oftentimes, individuals do not realize the amount of distractions that get in the way of their ability to remain productive until half their day has passed. That said, here are 8 tips for staying productive when working remotely.


Don’t hit Snooze: Getting up at your normal time helps you stick to your normal routine. If you were to hit snooze, you risk getting into a lazy slump and possibly become less motivated and less productive. Plus, you’re more likely to sleep in well past your normal alarm.

Get Ready for Your Day: Again, by sticking to your normal routine, it allows you to maintain the same level of productivity you’d normally have if you were still expected to drive into work. If you were to hit the gym, take a shower, or whatever morning routine you’d normally follow, it’s more important than ever to follow it while working remotely. Get out of the PJ’s and get ready for your day!

Designate a Work Station: By designating a work station, you’re automatically setting yourself up for  success. If you were to plop down in front of the TV, you’re less likely to be productive as you’re more likely to turn on your favorite TV show. This distraction will lead to less work being done. If you have a home office, I suggest utilizing this as much as possible. If a home office  is not an option, then sitting down at a kitchen table is the second best option. Having table space also allows you to spread out whatever it is you’re working on which makes it easier for you to see the entirely of the task at hand.

Snack Healthy: The healthier you snack, the more energy you’ll have. The majority of foods are broken down into glucose after they enter your body. Glucose is your blood sugar and this is the fuel that allows us to perform everyday actions, so if we feed your body the good glucose from healthy foods, you’re fueling your body with a steady flow of energy. Having healthy snacks on hand is the best key to success for productivity while working from home.

Get Out of the House: Ensuring that you take breaks throughout the day to get some fresh air will help you maintain the highest level of productivity. Take a walk, get some fresh air and enjoy some sunshine.

Schedule Short Breaks: Similar to getting out of the house, make sure you schedule short breaks. Tackling a small chore or stretching helps break up the work day, and it gives you a much needed physical and mental break from work.

Phone a Friend: Maintaining human contact, especially during a time of quarantine such as what we are experiencing today, is important to help maintain your sanity. Incorporate phone calls or FaceTime calls to your daily routine. It’ll add a bit of fun and variety to your day.

Limit Social Media: Social Media can be very distracting and can literally take away hours of productivity. By turning off notifications and ensuring the social media web pages are closed, you’re setting yourself up for success.


If you consciously make efforts to practice these tips, you’re setting yourself up for success. Working remotely can be hard and distracting, but by implementing these tips, you should be able to be productive and maintain the same level of success working remotely than if you were working out of your office.


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