Unplugging, Life is so Much More than Technology


I watched a YouTube video recently, and it really got me thinking about my need to unplug more from technology. My phone pretty much runs my life. I didn’t intentionally mean for that to happen, but when my cell phone is used for both work and home-life, it’s hard to disconnect. I have begun to realize my need to put my phone down. NOTHING is as important as my family, and I always check text messages, voice-mails and emails when I hear the “ding” of a new message coming through. I check them regardless of what I’m doing like it’s an urgent matter. I know it bothers my husband because when I’m with him, I need to “be with him” not be at the beck and call of my cell phone, ipad or laptop. He deserves so much better than that as do I. I should focus more on the positive and good things in this world! It’s important to disconnect and spend time with my family seeing as such that I have limited time each week with Jason because of his work schedule. Our son is also getting very talkative and active, and I don’t want to miss a thing with him!
PLUS, as a bonus if I disconnect more, I’ll see less violence, negativity, gossip and more!

Here is an interesting article that I took a lot from:

7 Important Reasons to Unplug and Find Space

Written by Joshua Becker

“We’re born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It’s been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much – if at all.” —Steve Jobs

Technology has some wonderful benefits. I use it almost every day. And I would never, ever argue against the responsible use of it.

However, that being said, it is becoming increasingly obvious that our world is developing an unhealthy attachment to it:

-84% of cell phone users claim they could not go a single day without their device. (source)
-67% of cell phone owners check their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating. (source)
-Studies indicate some mobile device owners check their devices every 6.5 minutes. (source)
-88% of U.S. consumers use mobile devices as a second screen even while watching television. (source)
-Almost half of cell owners have slept with their phone next to their bed because they wanted to make sure they didn’t miss any calls. (source)
-Traditional TV viewing eats up over six days (144 hours, 54 minutes) worth of time per month. (source)
-Some researchers have begun labeling “cell phone checking” as the new yawn because of its contagious nature. (source)

But we don’t need statistics to tell us we are over-attached to our technology. We already know this to be true—which is probably why this powerful video has received over 13,000,000 views in less than six days.

But we need to be reminded again and again: Technology has a power-off button. And the wisest of us know when to use it.

Consider again, just some of the Important Reasons to Unplug Our Technology:

1. Powering-down helps remove unhealthy feelings of jealousy, envy, and loneliness. Researchers recently discovered that one in three people felt worse after visiting Facebook and more dissatisfied with their lives. Certainly, not every interaction with Facebook is a negative one. But typically, our own experience validates their research. From family happiness to body image to vacation destinations to the silly number of birthday greetings on a Facebook wall, the opportunity for envy presents itself often on social media. Powering-down for a period of time provides opportunity to reset and refocus appreciation and gratitude for the lives we have been given.

2. Powering-down combats the fear of missing out. Scientifically speaking, the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has been recognized as a recently emerging psychological disorder brought on by the advance of technology. The premise is simple. Our social media streams are ever-filled with everything happening all around us. Nowadays, we even see the plates of food our friends are enjoying. And within this constant stream of notification, our fear of being left out continues to grow. Turning off social media and finding contentment in our present space is a welcome skill.

3. Solitude is harder to find in an always-connected world. Solitude grounds us to the world around us. It provides the stillness and quiet required to evaluate our lives and reflect on the message in our hearts. In a world where outside noise is coming quicker and louder than ever, the need for solitude becomes more apparent… and easier to overlook. True solitude and meditation will always require the intentional action of shutting off the noise and the screens.

4. Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you. Our world may be changing. But the true nature of life is not. Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you. These experiences will never repeat themselves. These conversations are unfiltered and authentic. And the love is real. But if we are too busy staring down at our screen, we’re gonna miss all of it.

5. Powering-down promotes creation over consumption. Essentially, most of our time is spent in one of two categories: consuming or creating. Certainly, technology can contribute to creating. For example, this article was written (created) on a computer. But most of the time we spend in front of technology is spent consuming (playing video games, browsing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music). But our world doesn’t need more consuming. It needs more creating. It needs your passion, your solution, and your unique contribution. Power-down. And begin contributing to a better world because of it.

6. Addiction can only be understood when the object is taken away. Through a recent technological fast, I learned something about myself. I learned I am far more addicted to technology than I would have guessed. But that is the nature of addiction, isn’t it? We can never fully realize our level of addiction until the item is taken away. And the only way to truly discover technology’s controlling influence on your life is to turn it off, walk away, and sense how strong the pull is to turn it back on.

7. Life is still about flesh, blood, and eye contact. There are valuable resources online to help us grow and evolve. I have been enriched by the connections I have made and the friends I have met. But no matter how much I interact with others through the miracle of technology, there is something entirely unique and fantastic about meeting face-to-face. The experience of looking another person in the eye without the filter of a screen changes everything. Each time, I am reminded that life’s most fulfilling relationships are the ones in the world right in front of me. And spending too much time looking away from them does a great disadvantage to my soul and theirs.

Great article, right?!

Here is the video I was speaking of:http://themetapicture.com/if-this-video-doesnt-convince-you/
You should definitely check it out.

Remember, life is short. It’s what we make of it, so make sure to unplug from technology and enjoy the company of others, enjoy the peace and solitude of NO technology. Allocate your time accordingly and enjoy and live life to the fullest.

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