
An Open Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday

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Dear Sweet Six Year Old Braxton,

It’s finally happening. The inevitable, impending changes I dreaded happening for so long. You’re growing up. You appear older. When I check on you at night, your face appears older. Your long legs stretch the length of the bed, and your sass is in full swing and every now and then I catch that eye roll just right.

You are well aware of your emotional intelligence. You know that some days its hard to handle your emotions because some days those little emotions seem so big. Some days you get picked on by the older kids on the school bus or they take your things and treat them carelessly on purpose. Later in the evening we sit around the dinner table as you sit in tears upset at how kids can be so cruel. If the tables were turned, you’d be the kind kid always willing to help someone else out. You have the biggest heart, and everyone that is blessed to know you, sees that. Your soft heart and wild emotions are beyond your years.

You are growing so incredibly independent, and although it makes me so proud to be your mother, it also rips a small hole in my heart, because I’m realizing how less and less you need me. I’m aware that over time you will need me less, and that kind of hurts my momma heart. You are intuitive and question everything, and I love that about you. I love your curiosity and the need to understand more about the things that intrigue you.

I’ve seen a shift in you from 5 to 6 years old. A relatively huge shift. You test your father and I more, yet you have also taken your little brother under your protective wing. There are moments you two literally can’t get a long for more than a few seconds, but for the moments you two play together and you open up a book and read to him, those are the moments I live for. You’re truly an incredible big brother to Beckett. Beckett idolizes the floor you walk on. I pray you see that and can feel the love he has for you.

It’s been fun to see your interests become more defined this past year. It’s been incredible to see the improvement in your reading and writing. It’s fun to see your exciting surrounding math, mainly because your father and I are not fans of math, yet you seem to naturally understand it.

The tides are truly turning. I see it. I feel it. There are days you still like to snuggle. Most of your time is still spent downstairs playing with your brother or wrestling with your dad. You still like Mom and Dad being around. I’ll hold onto to those seemingly small things for now because I know and understand that it’s only a matter of time before those things all change.

I want so much for you because you deserve so much. I want you to be ridiculously successful, and I want you to be passionate about whatever you’re doing. I pray that you have friends who truly understand you and appreciate you for all that you have to offer. Because, Braxton, you are so darn special. Everyone would be so blessed to know you.

I know that I’m becoming less important in your life. You have friends that you’re more excited to see or games that you’re more interesting in playing, and I understand that this is part of growing up. Just remember that when your friends aren’t around and you’re bored of that game, I’m here for you. After school, if you want to sit down and finish your homework together quick before tackling a ridiculous LEGO project with a glass of milk and a stack of Oreos within arm’s reach, I’m game buddy. But, if you’d rather play outside with your your buddies, I understand that also.

We can catch up at bedtime where you can tell me all about your day.

I cannot believe that you are SIX. You make me so proud, Buddy,



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